Thursday, October 31, 2019
Homework26 27 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Homework26 27 - Coursework Example urned out to be the most severe problem in the early postwar years; Truman failed to turn his election victory into success for his Fair Deal agenda; His civil rights measures and proposals were rejected by the congress; Truman blamed political opponents for defeating his Fair Deal. The program also suffered from a wave of anti-Communist hysteria that weakened both left and liberal forces; Republicans who had attacked the New Deal as a plot radical now jumped on revelations of Soviet espionage Cold War setbacks to accuse Democrats of fostering internal subversion. Eisenhower pledged to end the Korean War, and he made good of his pledge as he left Korea divided at the thirty-eighth parallel, with the North and south separated by 2.5 mile-wide demilitarized zone; The Truman administration judged the war a success for containment as the United States had supported its promise in aiding the resisting communism countries; The war had an enormous effect on defense policy and spending; the National Security Council Report, NSC 68, warned that the survival of the nation required military buildup, steered a huge increase in defense spending and a tripling of the armed forces; The war also convinced the Truman administration to expand its role in Asia by increasing help to the French (James et al 23). The general dissatisfaction with Truman’s involvement in the war gave Republicans a decided edge in the 1952’s election. Truman decided not to run for reelection. Voters enumerated their confidence in Eisenhower’s ability to end the war and this gave him a 55 percent win of the popular
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
History AND IMPACT OF COMPUTING Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
History AND IMPACT OF COMPUTING - Essay Example 546). First Generation (1940-1955) Vacuum Tubes These first computers utilized vacuum tubes in their circuitry and their memories comprised of magnetic drums. These first computers were often massive, taking a lot of space. They were expensive to run and, in addition to consuming enormous amounts of electricity these computers generated immense heat, which often led to their malfunctions. The first generation computers depended on machine code language; a low-level programming language only understood by computers, to execute their operations, and hence they were able to solve a single problem at a time. The computers input used paper tapes and punched cards while their output was presented on printouts. ENIAC and UNIVAC computers are some of the first generation computing gadgets. The UNIVAC was the earliest commercial computer distributed to a business client, the United States Bureau of Census in 1951. Second Generation (1955-1963) Transistor Computers In the succeeding generation of computers, transistors replaced vacuum tubes in the computers circuitry. Transistors were initially invented in 1947 but received minimal use in computers until late 1950s. Transistors were far more superior compared to vacuum tubes, allowing the computers to be smaller, cheaper, faster, reliable, and with increased energy efficiency as compared their former generation predecessors. Although the transistors also generated plenty of heat which exposes the computers to the damage, they were a significant improvement in comparison to the vacuum tubes. The second generation computers also used the punched cards for their input and printouts as their outputs. The second generation computers shifted from obscure binary machine code language to symbolic, an assembly language that allows programmers to stipulate instructions in the form of words. FORTRAN, COBOL, and other High-level Programming language were also under developed during this period. These were the first computers which s tored instructions in their memories, which had also moved from magnetic drums to magnetic core technology. The initial computers in this generation were meant for the atomic energy industries. Third Generation (1964-1970) Integrated Circuits Computers Integrated Circuits (ICs) development was the essential characteristic of the third generation computers. Miniaturized transistors were installed on silicon semiconductor chips, which increased efficiency and speed of computers. The third generation computers interacted with their users through monitors and keyboards interfaced through an operating system instead of the printouts and punch cards. These new features allowed the computers to run different applications at the same time with an inner program which monitored the memory. The third generation computers became handy to a mass of the audience since they were cheaper and smaller than their predecessors. Fourth Generation (1970- Present) The fourth generation computers were brou ght by the development of microprocessors. Microprocessors allowed thousands of integrated circuits to be built on a single silicon chip. A device that consumed the whole room in the first generation computers could be now developed on the palm of a hand. Intel 4004 chip, created in 1971, allowed all the components in a
Sunday, October 27, 2019
State Of Nature Would Be State Of War
State Of Nature Would Be State Of War Thomas Hobbes set out to account for political authority with the use of the State of Nature. He illustrated what life outside of society without any overall authority keeping anyone in check would be like. Hobbes identified the State of Nature with a State of War but used war in an extended sense, to include not just armed hostilities but any situation where there is no reasonable expectation that hostilities will not erupt. He argued that the known readiness to engage in acts of aggression amounts in itself to a State of War. Specifically there are three principal causes of quarrel (lev) which throw people into hostilities. These causes are competition, diffidence and glory (Lev p. 88) and together they ensure that the State of Nature is a State of War. The State of Nature put simply is a situation in which human beings have no government, no political institutions and the feelings that they engender and no executive forces such as a police force or army in other words, it is a condition of anarchy. The State of Nature is an idealisation, a model. (Engaging P.19) Hobbes uses the State of Nature to justify political authority, or as Hobbes calls it, the commonwealth. He does not describe literally everything that would be the case in the absence of political arrangements, but only those things that matter for explaining political authority. What Hobbes did, was to identify features of human nature and the human condition that are universal, that in no way depend upon political authority relations, and that are relevant to explaining political authority causally. The State of Nature can be considered as a condition from which people are to escape if political authority is to be justified. So the sole alternative to political authorit y is the State of Nature, however according to Hobbes, the State of Nature is unbearably nasty as what is crucial to the state of natures justificatory role is the fact that life in it is pretty grim. Therefore the sole alternative to political authority is unbearably nasty, hence imposing political authority is justified. Hobbes attempted to illustrate that subjection to authority is vastly preferable to anarchy the State of War; he held the view that if we had reasons to believe that political authority is much better than the State of Nature, then imposing political authority is justified. Hobbes attempted to demonstrate that the State of Nature is a State of War in order to justify political authority. He depicted the State of War as a place full of insecurity and uncertainty in order to further substantiate his claim. The State does not necessarily consist in actual fighting, but a known disposition thereto, during which there is no assurance to the contrary. (page 86 Leviathan). Hobbes depicted the State of War as a condition in which civilisation and its benefits are absent. Only through the organisation of society and the establishment of the commonwealth can civilisation be attained. One thing that Hobbes recognised about the natural condition of mankind was the relative equality of individuals within it. When Hobbes spoke of equality he did not mean equality in a moralised sense, but more the distribution of physical and mental endowments. Nature has made men so equal that, although some humans are manifestly stronger in body or of quicker mind, these endowments are distributed in such a way that even the weakest, slowest and dumbest among them can kill the strongest, fastest and smartest. Hobbes claimed that when all is reckoned together, the difference between man and man is not so considerable, all human beings are, in other words, vulnerable to assault at the hands of all others. Equality, for Hobbes, is based upon the equal ability to kill or conquer others so inevitably equality leads to conflict, a State of Nature will be a war of all against all.(leviathan p. Vii) In the State of Nature, there are three causes of conflict: competition, distrust and the desire for glory. Competition leads to fighting for grain, diffidence to fighting to keep what has been gained and glory to fighting for reputation. These sources of conflict arise from what Hobbes calls the equality of ability (lev) in men. This natural equality of men is not equality of rights or of worth but an equality of ability, which leads to equality of hope in attaining ones ends and so to competition. The right of each to all things invites serious conflict, especially if there is competition for resources, as goods -are in relatively short supply in the State of Nature.(Stamford) So if any two men want a single thing which cannot be attained by both, they will become enemies (page 84 Leviathan) Conflict can occur for example when someone has come to possess a better piece of land. If an invader would have nothing to fear but that one mans individual power, then it is more than likely that someone will choose to invade this estate and attempt to deprive the owner of his possessions. But then the successful invader will then be in similar danger from someone else. It is an endless cycle of conflict in the State of Nature, which inevitably creates hostile conditions. However, Hobbes claim that all men are equal is false. The very young, the very old and the infirm generally pose no mortal threat to able bodied persons in the prime of life and therefore there would be no competition in some circumstances. Whilst it was not Hobbess aim to describe what is literally the case, this does demonstrate that not all of his reasons were convincing when explaining why the State of Nature would be a State of War. Hobbes further illustrated a State of as a State of War as it is a place where nobody feels secure, each person has a reason to attack any other person, for fear of being attacked first; this is what Hobbes referred to as diffidence. Because of this distrust amongst men, the most reasonable way for anyone to make themselves safe is to strike first, so attack can be seen as the best form of defence in a State of War. And, because each person has roughly equal killing power, everybody is both a potential killer and a potential victim. The fact that each of them is liable to aggression from others means that each person has to treat every other person as an enemy. People dont just regard everyone as possible enemies, in the State of War everyone is an enemy. Hence diffidence makes people invade one another for safety. Hobbes quite rightly held that the State of Nature would be a State of War therefore as people would fear that others may invade them, and may rationally plan to strike fi rst as an anticipatory defense, a natural human instinct to preserve their own safety. Hobbes also said that The State of War arises from the nature of some people, mainly those who want others to value them as highly as they values themselves. Glory drives people to attack others to raise their value in the eyes of others. Glory is therefore a source of unwarranted aggression and when there is no common power to keep people at peace, conflict will occur which Hobbes quite rightly said. Hobbes had a particularly good reason for believing that the State of Nature would be one of war as morality has no place in this pre-political world that Hobbes created. Everyone has an interest in killing everyone else pre-emptively, whenever possible, and this is acceptable as nothing holds any individuals back from committing any immoral acts, humans would merely act as their interests dictate. In a State of Nature, by definition there are no rules, not even unenforceable ones that might deter some from committing such acts. Therefore even moral restrictions to do or withhold from doing certain things for example, not to kill have no effect in a State of Nature. Hobbess view was that in the natural State of War there are no objective moral distinctions. In this State of War of every man against every man nothing can be unjust. The notions of right and wrong, justice and injustice, have n place. Where there is no common power, there is no law, where no law, no injustice. Hobbes assumed that the state of nature would be a state of war as taking people as they actually are, if you were to remove all political institutions, the natural proclivities that would ensue would lead to a state of war. Notably, without political institutions, the natural impulses to self-preservation are doomed to failure. In the state of nature, that is our unhappy predicament. Natural right of self-preservation (ch. 14): the liberty each one has to use her/his own power for self-preservation. A central claim of Hobbes: It is rational to give up ones right to self-governance to a sovereign, if everyone else agrees to do the same. (See chapter 17, section 13) The natural state of war, therefore, is the state of affairs in which the individual is dependent for his security on his own strength and his own wits. In such conditions there is no place for hard work, because there is no assurance that it will yield results; and consequently no cultivation of the earth, no navigation or use of materials that can be imported by sea, no construction of large buildings, no machines for moving things that require much force, no knowledge of the face of the earth, no account of time, no practical skills, no literature or scholarship, no society; and-worst of all-continual fear and danger of violent death, and the life of man solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short. Perhaps we would imagine that people might fare best in such a state, where each decides for herself how to act, and is judge, jury and executioner in her own case whenever disputes arise-and that at any rate, this state is the appropriate baseline against which to judge the justifiability of political arrangements.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Ghost Dance :: essays research papers
The Ghost Dance In January 1889, Wavoka, a Paiute Indian, had a revelation during a total eclipse of the sun. It was the genesis of a religious movement that would become known as the Ghost Dance. It was this dance that the Indians believed would reunite them with friends and relatives in the ghost world. The legend states that after prayer and ceremony, the earth would shatter and let forth a great flood that would drown all the whites and enemy Indians, leaving the earth untouched and as it was before the settlers came to America. The religion prophesied the peaceful end of the westward expansion of whites and a return of the land to the Native Americans. The first dance was held by Wovoka in 1889. The ritual lasted five successive days, being danced each night and on the last night continuing until morning. Hypnotic trances and shaking accompanied this ceremony, which was supposed to be repeated every six weeks. The ceremony also had rhythmic drumming and introduced many new musical instruments into Indian religious ceremonies. In addition, both men and women participated in the dance, unlike other Indian religions in which men were the primary dancers, singers, and musicians. Word spread quickly and the Utes, Bannocks, and Shoshone tribes accepted the Ghost Dance. Eventually, the plains tribes also accepted the Ghost Dance movement. The peaceful message of hope was uplifting to many Indians. It gave them a sense of hope that the progress of the white man would be stopped by the will of Nature.           While adopting the movement, many tribes added specific customs and rituals that reflected the tribe’s individuality. The Sioux, for instance, added two specific elements including the use of hypnosis to bring about trances as well as aid in communication with the dead, and Ghost Clothing. There are two specific types most commonly used, the ghost shirt and the ghost dress. Both were believed to protect the wearer from bullets. Sitting Bull, a famous Sioux warrior, adopted the ghost dance into his way of life. He was a respected leader, medicine man, and warrior. His following of the movement alarmed both the military and Indian Agencies. In 1890, just a few months after attending his first ghost dance, Sitting Bull was killed while resisting arrest. His followers fled and joined Kicking Bull, one of the first to Practice with Wovoka. Donning their ghost shirts and with their beliefs firm in their hearts, the followers of the ghost dance were rounded up at Wounded Knee creek and killed while resisting arrest.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Emancipation Proclamation- Lincoln’s End of Slavery in America
Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation is still, to date, one of the most debated, revolutionary acts of the any of the Presidents of the United States. Through this document Lincoln took responsibility upon himself for the freedom of four million slaves throughout the divided country he presided over and forever changed the scene of what could be a very different American culture than that of which we live in presently today. After reading Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation: The End of Slavery in America, written by Allen C. Guelzo, I am fully convinced that Lincoln’s accomplishment through that document is very under credited not only by African Americans today, but also by their white counterparts in regards to the lasting impact it made for the future of the races in this country. Allen C. Guezlo opens his book on the defensive for Abraham Lincoln. Guezlo explains that when the topic of Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation comes to mind, basically , either you appreciate it at face value for what it accomplished and stands for, or you are a skeptic. Today more than ever, the Proclamation’s skeptics focus on what the document did not accomplish rather than what it did. In his book, Guezlo works at answering the four main questions that critics will raise regarding the Proclamation. Why is the language of the Proclamation so bland and Legalistic? Did the Proclamation actually do anything? Did the slaves free themselves? Did Lincoln issue the Proclamation to ward off European influence or boost Union morale? In defense of Lincoln, Guezlo takes us through a detailed chronology of the events leading up to the weighted decision made by Lincoln in September 1862, including incredible evidence in the form of documented conversations and eye witness accounts. Abraham Lincoln was a product of the end of the Enlightenment Era, an era that emphasized the age of reason and logic. Being a lawyer by profession, Lincoln exhibited an incredible display of prudence in making his decisions and showed an exceptional respect for the law. When considering the term â€Å"prudence†, Guezlo makes it a point to examine the word in the fashion of hat it would have meant to the classical philosophers that Lincoln came to admire. In this sense, prudence isn’t defined as what it is known as today. By today’s definition, a person who is â€Å"prude†is thought to display exaggerated caution, hesitation, lack of will, and fearfulness. According to Guezlo, the prudence that Lincoln display ed while in office would be better compared to the virtues of the classical philosophers who influenced the Enlightenment period which attributed prudence to shrewdness and sound judgment. Considering all the different obstacles that were thrown at Lincoln during his presidency, he needed to ensure that his actions were deliberate and would achieve a long term lasting effect as he was very cautious and untrusting when considering the judiciary branch of the government. Lincoln understood that any decision he made would be readily tested against the powers afforded to him by the constitution sooner or later. He did not want to take any chances in going about the emancipation process loosely, especially considering the amount of opponents he was going to face regarding the topic of emancipation both in the North and the South. Of the many ways to go about the emancipation process, Lincoln’s preference was that which consisted of three main features, â€Å"gradualism, compensation, and the vote of the people†. He rebuked ideas of using either the Confiscation Acts and Benjamin Butler’s contraband theory as well as the idea of martial law in order to achieve long term emancipation. As far as the contraband theory was concerned, at best Lincoln new that it would make slaves wards of the government until the end of the war. After compromise was reached, the fate of these men was out of his hands and into the hands of the ruling courts which would likely allow them to be reclaimed by their masters. Before issuing his own proclamation, Lincoln actually reversed two attempts at marital law proclamations attempted by both John Charles Freemont and David Hunter. Lincoln did not reverse these attempts so much because he was not for the emancipation process, but because in his legalistic mind, he knew that these courses of action would not stand the judicial test in regards to the limitations of the constitution. First of all, the use of the war powers in question would only be reserved for use by the commander-in-chief, namely himself; secondly there was no specifications provided within the constitution itself on the use of these war powers if hey did in fact exist. Lincoln was firm in his desire to convince the border states to accept his offer of compensated emancipation and aside from being denied time and again, he would continue to be convinced that given enough time and patience at the matter, that politicians in those states would see that the course of events leading to emancipation as inevitable and take the bait which he hoped would set off a chain reaction allowing other states to follow suit shortly there after. Though this plan eventually proved unworkable, it was not because of an unperceivable plan; Lincoln was not entirely prepared for the time restraints that unforeseen obstacles would pose in his attempt at being gradual. Between the defiant and incompetent military generals and the urging of different opinions in Washington, eventually his final course of action would be to take a gamble at using the war powers he was still uncertain and uneasy about and hope that with careful consideration, his document would not be challenged but gain support. Noting Lincoln’s wariness pertaining to the legality of his actions according to the constitution would lead us to the answer of the first of Guezlo’s four questions. Why was the language of the proclamation so bland and legalistic? In contrast to the conclusions of many critics that Lincoln had no feelings of moral obligation or sympathy towards the slaves, Lincoln was greatly afflicted by the issue at hand. After understanding the caution which Lincoln was trained to proceed with as an attorney and even more so as the President of the United States, Lincoln had to ensure that every syllable, every phrase was written so that it could not be scrutinized within the federal court system. His document held the fate of the lives of millions of people within its wording and he did not want to have to be faced with the possibility that it would be retracted or revoked. Many also believe that the wording of the Emancipation Proclamation is so bland because Lincoln composed it grudgingly as a last resort. Guezlo points out that during Lincoln’s political career his presidency was not the first time that Lincoln had motivation for emancipation. In his term in Congress as an Illinois Representative he made similar attempts at compensated emancipation for slaves in the District of Columbia. Although these attempts never made it to the House, it is notable to recognize that his feelings towards emancipation stem back farther than having to make a pressured decision as Commander in Chief of a nation in rebellion. He was recorded as having been completely transparent in his belief that â€Å"If slavery is not wrong, then nothing is wrong. †Upon disclosing his decision to issue the proclamation to his cabinet it is also important to realize that Lincoln did not address his colleagues for advice whether or not to issue the proclamation as his mind was already made up, but rather to â€Å"hear the views of his associates and receive and suggestions. As defeated as he may have felt over not having had enough time to follow through with the compensation route, it is unarguable that Lincoln did not hold a deep conviction about what had to be accomplished before he left office. In intimate conversations with close colleagues he would comment on his conviction that this decision had been of Divine assistance and that â€Å"he had sometime thought that perhaps he might be an instrument in God’s had of accomplishing a great work. In fact he openly expressed his agenda were there to be any concerns regarding the standing of his proclamation. Lincoln remarked that if there was to be a retraction or nullifying of the right of freedom to emancipated slaves through the courts that â€Å"it would not occur with him in office†. The second question raised by critics that Guezlo seeks to shed some light on is whether or not the Emancipation Proclamation actually did anything. To answer this question, Guezlo moves to highlight the fact that although the Emancipation Proclamation had little immediate impact, it embraced the idea for the first time that there was a long term and permanent solution to the institution of slavery. Not only did it ring the bells of freedom for the slaves, but it also gave the Union an even more dignified reason to continue on with the war. Although the feeling was not unanimous amongst even some of the abolitionists of the day, the expected â€Å"mutiny†that was expected to result from those in the armed forces in protest of the proclamation was not as severe as could’ve been predicted. As soon as more and more whites were exposed to former slaves they began to realize that this label of inferiority in both the mental and physical capacity was not as accurate as they had been led to believe. One Maine soldier admitted to his sister in a letter that, â€Å"instead of thinking less of a Negro, I have sadly learned to think better of them than many white men that hold responsible positions. †Among the newly freed black slaves came finally the feeling of attaining manhood through emancipation. With this feeling of manhood came the rallying of blacks willing and able to join the war effort as made eligible by the proclamation. The proclamation’s provision allowing blacks to enlist into the armed forces further secured the position of freedom in the eyes of the white man in the long term. For â€Å"how could we stand to see the Negro re-enslaved after demonstrating his allegiance to our Union with his blood? †asked one Union commander. In fact, not only was granting the slaves their freedom a major issue upon observing their willingness to loyally serve the military, but also the right of suffrage; although the move for social equality wouldn’t be addressed nearly as soon, the move to place more political power in the hands of the former slaves was introduced. Lincoln’s document would secure the way for future legislation which eventually would result in the complete abolition of slavery with the thirteenth amendment to the constitution. The proclamation also managed to avoid the mass deportation of freed blacks to Africa or South America as some abolitionists were in favor of. In addition to the effects nationally, the Emancipation Proclamation also helped gain a favorable opinion abroad throughout Europe for the United States transforming the civil conflict into a war against slavery ensuring that the Union would have nothing to fear from possible European recognition of the Confederacy. Did the slaves free themselves? Guezlo makes an important point when answering this question and the answer tends to be a bit more unexpected. Although the Emancipation Proclamation went into effect on January 1, 1863, it is surprising to understand that although the rejoicing of slaves upon receiving the news of emancipation was universal, more slaves than less remained put where they were waiting patiently for the Union soldiers to declare them free rather than run off to claim their freedom. But why stay put? According to his book, Guezlo remarks that even Abraham Lincoln himself was disappointed that more slaves had not taken it upon themselves to reach over to the other side of Union lines. Especially since he understood that with the upcoming perceived threat to his presidency from McClellan the only way he could ensure their emancipation was if they crossed Union lines before that threat could have a chance to materialize). One of the main reasons that more slaves did not readily embrace leaving their current positions was because of a fear that they would be returned to their masters just as they had heard many of the â€Å"contrabands†had been refused by the military prior to the proclamation. Unfortunately the lack of trust slaves placed in the white ace extended not only to those who had kept them in bondage, but also to those whom they knew even less of. Guezlo quotes Ohio Congressman William Homan, who thought it odd as well that, â€Å"three and a half or four millions of Africans remain right in the hotbed of this rebellion, with your proclamations cast broadcast over the South inviting them to freedom; nay, your policy urged them to assert their freedom and pledges the nation to maintain it,†yet, â€Å"they have remained perfectly indifferent and passive until your Army has reached them, idle spectators of war. The quiescence of the black population actually turned out to becom e an argument in favor of the emancipation as it demonstrated the restraint and self control the slaves possessed even in the face of â€Å"easy bloody opportunity†. Francis Wayland in Atlantic Monthly concluded that â€Å"Nine-tenths of the able-bodied Southern population have been in arms for more than two years and the President’s Emancipation Proclamation was made public nearly a year ago and yet none of the older men, women, and children remaining at home have been slaughtered, massacred or brutalized. Did Lincoln issue the Proclamation to ward off European influence or boost Union morale? This question seems to be Lincoln’s critic’s double edged sword, although a poor attempt might I add. Guezlo adds an interesting note that if morale or intervention were Lincoln’s primary concerns to be addressed, then issuing the proclamation when he did would’ve been the worst possible method he could’ve taken to do so. Alexander Twining wrote in 1865 that, â€Å"European intervention – and especially from England – was, at the time when the proclamation was issued, our most anxious liability. Lincoln’s main concern was that the British would intervene in response to an emancipation proclamation so long as emancipation was seen as a â€Å"direct encouragement to servile Insurrections†, sparking the British government’s memories of the racial carnage of the Indian Mutiny. It was actually during the Chicago ministers’ delegation in September 1862 that any argument for European sympathy was made convincing Lincoln that the issuance of the proclamation may gain the Union any favor. Attempts to down play Lincoln’s motives for standing firm behind his proclamation with this attack are quickly debunked. The second part of this question implies that Lincoln made his decision for emancipation based off of some incentive of united sentiment that would’ve been received as a whole country. This could not be more false. When Lincoln initially issued the Emancipation Proclamation, politically, lines were torn across the board. Within congress debates ran heated and from state to state more and more republicans were loosing favor and being replaced with peace Democrats and proslavery advocates. When it came time for the next elections to congress, Lincoln was hurt to see his majority in the House weaken before his eyes. Lincoln and his supporters fully understood before they issued the proclamation that this would in fact place their positions in government in jeopardy. He also understood that with the military advocating their own desires to negotiate a peaceful compromise with the Confederacy, that this could easily convince them to accelerate an intervention placing Lincoln’s administration in danger of loosing the cause. Eventually Lincoln’s administration would prevail against slavery not only in the Confederate states but also in the Border States. Beginning with West Virginia in 1862, the Border States finally began to embrace the inevitable and took advantage of the only option that was advantageous for them which was to agree to the compensated emancipation package that Lincoln had been pushing for all along. In the end it was even difficult for Lincoln’s most radical abolitionist critics to remain skeptical of the President’s personal conviction and determination regarding his motives with his Emancipation Proclamation. In a meeting with Frederick Douglas, Lincoln’s foremost freed black critic, Douglas was surprised to report that, â€Å"I was taken aback to discover that Lincoln had a deeper moral conviction against slavery than I had ever seen before in anything spoken or written by him†. Very few of the negative possibilities considered that could have taken place in response to the Emancipation Proclamation actually did. This was largely in part to the strict measures that Lincoln took as a skilled attorney and leader when drafting his plan and his determination to make the Proclamation succeed. During the time following the Emancipation Proclamation and even for years beyond his assassination, Lincoln was held in high esteem amongst the African American as well as the white population in this country. Unfortunately since the earlier 1900s many critics, both black and white, have risen to the occasion to minimize the greatness to which he impacted generations of human beings to come. Some claim Lincoln was a â€Å"white supremacist†only acting in the best interests of saving his country and others, at best, describe him as indifferent to the African struggle. Regardless of which position you try to understand, it is ridiculous to consider that, in either case, a man who felt no deep conviction for the nature of his actions would’ve remained persistent in his course to the conclusion. Had Lincoln really felt any other way than sympathetic towards the slaves he would’ve bowed down and compromised as many congressman and generals urged of him. Allen Guezlo makes his point strongly apparent; Abraham Lincoln’s actions spoke clearly of his the driving force behind his actions. â€Å"It would be special pleading to claim that Lincoln was in the end the most perfect friend black Americans have ever had, but it would also be the cheapest and most ignorant of all skepticisms to deny that he was the most significant. â€
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
My Beloved Cat
One day, Ahmad go to the Pengkalan Market to buy groceries using my car as usual. After arrived there, Ahmad started to buy all my thing listed in the notes that Ahmad made before. After finished buying, Ahmad straightly walks to the car to go home. However, during my walk, suddenly Ahmad saw a cat that really cute and thus it attract me to go near to it. As Ahmad go near to the cat, the cat makes an action that makes me feel happy and enjoyable.Thus, Ahmad thinks either the cat is someone else pet or not. After think sometimes Ahmad suddenly come up with decision that Ahmad want to take this cat go back with me and to be my pet since Ahmad also never had any pet before in my home. As Ahmad arrive home, Ahmad want to find and give a suitable name to my pet. In about 20 minutes, Ahmad finally found suitable name for my cat that is Bobby. The reason that makes me choose Bobby as its name is because the cat is male (boy) cat.Hence, Ahmad left Bobby for a while in my house and Ahmad quic kly went to the shop and buy cat food (Whiskas) and a cage for Bobby’s. Thus, Ahmad went back to home, take Bobby and put it inside its cage and feed it with Whiskas. Later, Ahmad went to my bed to take my rest. As Ahmad wake up the next day, Ahmad straightly goes to Bobby’s cage to look its condition and to give it Whiskas. However, suddenly Ahmad notice that Bobby’s has gone and Ahmad really shocked.All bad things have play in my mind. Ahmad even thinks that someone has stolen my cat, but†¦.. suddenly, Ahmad hear someone call my names several time and repeatedly. Thus, from time to time the sound being loud and louder and seems near to me. Next, Ahmad found that my boys are on my bed inside my room and actually Ahmad just dream on. Actually my younger sister calls me to wake me up to go to the Pengkalan market. The dream is really wonderful to me and Ahmad won’t forget it ever. My Beloved Cat One day, Ahmad go to the Pengkalan Market to buy groceries using my car as usual. After arrived there, Ahmad started to buy all my thing listed in the notes that Ahmad made before. After finished buying, Ahmad straightly walks to the car to go home. However, during my walk, suddenly Ahmad saw a cat that really cute and thus it attract me to go near to it. As Ahmad go near to the cat, the cat makes an action that makes me feel happy and enjoyable.Thus, Ahmad thinks either the cat is someone else pet or not. After think sometimes Ahmad suddenly come up with decision that Ahmad want to take this cat go back with me and to be my pet since Ahmad also never had any pet before in my home. As Ahmad arrive home, Ahmad want to find and give a suitable name to my pet. In about 20 minutes, Ahmad finally found suitable name for my cat that is Bobby. The reason that makes me choose Bobby as its name is because the cat is male (boy) cat.Hence, Ahmad left Bobby for a while in my house and Ahmad quic kly went to the shop and buy cat food (Whiskas) and a cage for Bobby’s. Thus, Ahmad went back to home, take Bobby and put it inside its cage and feed it with Whiskas. Later, Ahmad went to my bed to take my rest. As Ahmad wake up the next day, Ahmad straightly goes to Bobby’s cage to look its condition and to give it Whiskas. However, suddenly Ahmad notice that Bobby’s has gone and Ahmad really shocked.All bad things have play in my mind. Ahmad even thinks that someone has stolen my cat, but†¦.. suddenly, Ahmad hear someone call my names several time and repeatedly. Thus, from time to time the sound being loud and louder and seems near to me. Next, Ahmad found that my boys are on my bed inside my room and actually Ahmad just dream on. Actually my younger sister calls me to wake me up to go to the Pengkalan market. The dream is really wonderful to me and Ahmad won’t forget it ever.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Favorite Spanish Proverbs With English Translations
Favorite Spanish Proverbs With English Translations The Spanish language is rich with refranes, sayings or proverbs that often become a shorthand way of conveying a thought or expressing a judgment. Here you will find a collection of a sayings, one for each day of the month. Of the literally hundreds of sayings that are a part of the language, this list includes some of the most common as well as a few others that were chosen simply because they are interesting. Refranes espaà ±oles / Spanish Sayings Ms vale pjaro en mano que cien volando. A bird in the hand is worth more than 100 flying. (A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.) Ojos que no ven, corazà ³n que no siente. Eyes that do not see, heart that does not feel. No por mucho madrugar amanece ms temprano. Not through much awaking early does the dawn come earlier. El amor es ciego. Love is blind. Perro que no camina, no encuentra hueso. The dog that doesnt walk doesnt find a bone. (You cant succeed if you dont try.) Dime con quià ©n andas y te dirà © quià ©n eres. Tell me with whom you walk and I will tell you who you are. (A man is known by the company he keeps.) El diablo sabe ms por viejo que por diablo. The devil knows more due to being old than by being the devil. A la luz de la tea, no hay mujer fea. By the light of the torch there is no ugly woman. Haz el bien, y no mires a quià ©n. Do the good, and dont look at whom. (Do what is right, not what will gain approval.) El que nacià ³ para tamal, del cielo le caen las hojas. The leaves fall from the sky for him who was born for the tamal (a traditional Mexican food made from corn leaves). No hay mal que por bien no venga. There is no bad from which good doesnt come. Quien no tiene, perder no puede. He who doesnt have is unable to lose. (You cant lose what you dont have.) No todo lo que brilla es oro. Not all that shines is gold. (Not everything that glitters is gold.) Perro que ladra no muerde. The dog that barks doesnt bite. A caballo regalado no se le mira el diente. Dont look at the tooth of a horse that was given. (Dont look a gift horse in the mouth.) A Dios rogando y con el mazo dando. To God praying and with the mallet using. (God helps those who help themselves.) Eso es harina de otro costal. That is wheat from a different bag. (Its a bird of a different feather.) De tal palo, tal astilla. From such a stick, such a splinter. (A chip off the old block.) Para el hombre no hay mal pan. (O, para el hambre no hay mal pan.) There is no bad bread for man. (Or, there is no bad bread for hunger.) Las desgracias nunca vienen solas. Misfortunes never come alone. (Bad things happen in threes.) De buen vino, buen vinagre. From good wine, good vinegar. El que la sigue, la consigue. He who follows it attains it. (You get what you work for.) Saliste de Guatemala y te metiste en Guatepeor. You left Guate-bad and went to Guate-worse. A quien madruga, Dios le ayuda. God helps the one who arises early. (God helps those who help themselves. The early bird catches the worm. Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.) Camarà ³n que se duerme, se lo lleva la corriente. The shrimp that falls asleep gets carried away by the current. Del dicho al hecho, hay mucho trecho. From the saying to the act, there is much distance. (Saying something and doing it are two different things.) Si quieres el perro, acepta las pulgas. If you want the dog, accept the fleas. (If you cant stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. Love me, love my faults.) De noche todos los gatos son negros. At night all cats are black. Lo que en los libros no est, la vida te enseà ±ar. That which isnt in books, life will teach you. (Life is the best teacher.) La ignorancia es atrevida. Ignorance is courageous. Cada uno lleva su cruz. Everyone carries his cross. (We each have our own cross to bear.)
Monday, October 21, 2019
Alternative Energy Research Paper
Alternative Energy Research Paper Free Online Research Papers The worlds sources of fossil fuels are drying up faster than the earth can renew them. Fossil fuels, like coal and oil take the earth thousands of years to reproduce so an effective alternate energy source must be explored. For many years we have been running out of oil. This phenomenon is called the Hubbert peak theory also known as peak oil. Hydrogen is a great option to power an engine. To make hydrogen we can decomposition methane or using electrolysis. There are two methods: combustion, and fuel cell conversion. Nuclear power is also an option to powering a vehicle. As we all know we have to use uranium to produce nuclear power. Biofuel is a fuel that comes from biomass, living organisms, like cow manure. This area is very active, because it can convert biofuels and other fuels into fuel cells (Biofuels) Alternative Energies The worlds sources of fossil fuels are drying up faster than the earth can renew them. Fossil fuels, like coal and oil take the earth thousands of years to reproduce so an effective alternate energy source must be explored. Fossil fuels or crude oil has been around for a long time and can be refined to form a number of products. Such products include gas, naptha, gasoline, kerosene, gas oil or diesel, and other things. This form of an energy source is used in many things such as generators, electricity, automobiles, aircraft, watercraft, and many other things. While this is a very strong and versatile energy source it still is an excellent energy source. We are also running out of crude oil, a non-renewable resource. For many years we have been running out of oil. This phenomenon is called the Hubbert peak theory also known as peak oil. The peak oil theory states that every finite resource has a beginning, middle, and an end of production. Production of oil usually follows a bell shape curve when graphed. When oil production reaches the mid-point of its life it also reaches the peak oil production. This theory was developed by the geologist for Shell oil, named M. King Hubbert. In the 1960s Hubbert predicted oil would peak 40 years from then, putting peak oil production right about now. Since oil is running out we have to start thinking about alternative fuels that are available to us. The problem is not whether these alternative energy sources exist or nor, they do. Should the government fund and give large tax breaks to research into alternative energy sources. Alternative fuel is any other method of powering an engine without using petroleum. Some of these alternative fuels and methods of powering an engine or the economy are: coal, hydrogen, nuclear power, biofuels, Athabasca Oil Sands in Canada, Venezuelan Orinoco tar sands, green alternatives, and Thermal Depolymerization. These are just few of other methods. The majority of these alternative fuels are arranged to be cheap, non-polluting, and infinite sources of energy. (Hubbert Peak Theory) Coal is a fossil fuel dug up from the Earth by deep mining. Coal is an extremely important source that produces electricity worldwide. In the United States coal produce over half the electricity consumed by the nation. Coal can be produced into oil by gasification and liquefaction (Coal). This process is called synthetic oil from coal (Life After the Oil Crash). This is a good process because it does not contaminate the environment. However, coal is not as great as it seems. Coal production will peak approximately 2 decades. If demand remains frozen at the current rate of consumption, the coal reserves will indeed last roughly 250 yearspopulation growth alone produces the lifetime to some 90-120 yearsthe use of coal for conversion to other fuels reduces the lifetime of coal to less than a human lifespan (Life After the Oil Crash). Hydrogen is a great option to power an engine. To make hydrogen we can decomposition methane or using electrolysis. There are two methods: combustion, and fuel cell conversion. In combustion, hydrogen is burned like in traditional gasoline cars. The combustion cars burn hydrogen directly, and produce water vapor, which is non-polluting. In fuel cell conversion, hydrogen is turned into electricity through fuel cell, which powers the engine (Hydrogen vehicle). Fuel cell conversion is highly efficient. However, there are problems with this method. The problem with combustion is that hydrogen fuel is used rapidly. The first problem fuel cell conversion has is that hydrogen has a low density. Meaning that the amount that can be stored is limited (Hydrogen vehicle). The second problem is the expensive cost of making a reliable fuel cell that would provide electric power in a hydrogen car. Fuel cell designs require the use of platinum, and platinum will become scarce soon (Life After the Oil Crash). The third problem is that hydrogen is an energy carrier, meaning that it does not produce energy. It has to be produced by fossil fuels (Hydrogen vehicle). The electrolysis process consumes more energy than it produces. Nuclear power is also an option to powering a vehicle. As we all know we have to use uranium to produce nuclear power. At the rate we are consuming gasoline, there are 50 years left of low cost uranium (Life After the Oil Crash). There are reactors that create inefficient nuclear fuel, which leads to nuclear waste. However, there are more efficient reactors that reduce the amount of nuclear waste. If we use these types of reactors we are still going to have 10,000 to 5 billion years of uranium for use in these power plants (Nuclear Power). However, nuclear power is less convenient than what they state. It is dangerous to put a nuclear reactor in your trunk (Life After the Oil Crash). It is also a problem because we do not have the time or the money to build 10,000 power plants to produce the energy we get from fossil fuels (Life After the Oil Crash). It will take $3-5 billion per plant, without including the cost to repair old reactors, and converting nuclear energy appropriate for cars, boats, and airplanes. It takes 10 years to build one of these nuclear power plants (Nuclear Power). Biofuel is a fuel that comes from biomass, living organisms, like cow manure. This area is very active, because it can convert biofuels and other fuels into fuel cells (Biofuels). Bioenergy develops 15% of the worlds energy use. Biomass can also be used for the making of electricity and heating. There are solid biomasses that can be made into fuel, like: wood, straw, animal waste, husks or shells from crops, and bagasse (Alternative Fuel). There are also liquid biomasses that can be used as fuel: bioalcohols, like ethanol, methanol, and butanol; biological produced oils like, straight vegetable oil, waste vegetable oil, and biodiesel; oil and gases can be produces by methane, and thermal depolymerization. Gaseous biomasses can produce fuel, like: bio-methane, wood gas, hydrogen, and carbon monoxide (Biofuels). However, biofuels has become less efficient than oil. It consumes more energy than it produces. It takes 11 acres to grow enough corn to fuel one automobilefor 10,000 miles, or about a years drivingthe amount to feed seven people for the same period of time Life After the Oil Crash). To replace a small part of our oil supply we would have to turn most of Africa into a giant biofuel farm. Its a great idea, and we can develop it further, but it wont be enough to the rate we consume oil (Biofuels). The Athabasca Oil Sands are large deposits of tar sands that are located northwestern of Canada and Venezuela Orinoco. It is said that Athabasca contains two thirds of total global oil deposits (Alternative Fuel). It contains 1.6 trillion barrels of oil. With the technology we have today only 311 billion barrels could be extracted (Athabasca Oil Sands). Then why not get most of our oil supply from the Athabasca Oil sands? According to the Department of Energy it will only lower oil prices less than fifty cents. It will also take 10 years to come online. It will peak at 875,000 barrels per day, but not until 2025. By then we would need 35 million barrels per day, while the world needs 120 million barrels per day (Life After the Oil Crash). Green alternatives like, solar, wind, wave, and geothermal power are fine ways to power the nation, better yet the world. Geothermal energy comes from radioactive decay from the core of the Earth. Which heats the Earth inside out, and the sun heats the surface. There are three ways to produce geothermal energy: geothermal electricity, geothermal heating through deep Earth pipes, and geothermal heating through a heat pump (Geothermal Power). The most renewable energy is solar energy, energy coming directly from sunlight. Solar power can be made by: generating electricity using solar cells, generating electricity using thermal power plants, generating electricity using solar towers, heat buildings, heat buildings through heat pumps, and heat foodstuffs through solar ovens (Solar Energy). When the sun heats up the earth unevenly, it creates winds. Wind is able to run wind turbines capable of producing electricity. Some areas do not have prevailing wind power so its best to put them offs hore or at high altitudes, the wind is more continuous. Waterpower can be harnessed and used (Wind Energy). Like water is a thousand times heavier than air, even a slow stream of water can produce large amounts of energy. There are many forms of waterpower: hydroelectric energy, tidal power, tidal stream power, wave power, ocean thermal energy conversion, and deep lake water-cooling (Water Power). However, green alternative is not a good idea. The green alternatives have limited capacity, compared to fossil fuels. Californias 13,000 wind turbines generate as much electricity like a single 555-megawatt natural gas fired power plant (Life After the Oil Crash). To replace a drilling platform that pumps 12,000 barrels of oil per day we would have to build 706 wind turbines (Wind Energy). The combined output of all solar cells in the world is less than 40% of the output of a single coal power plant. The amount of energy distributed by one gas station in one day is equal to the amount of energy that four Manhattan size city blocks of solar equipment produces. To power the whole Earth with solar panels it will take 220,000 square kilometers (Solar Energy). These options only produce energy at certain times or conditions of the day. In order to power a small portion of Earth we would need trillions of dollars to build hydrogen-powered cars, trucks, boats, and air plains; need thousand s of dollars to build oil-powered factories; build an expensive refueling and maintenance network; and we would need huge amounts of platinum, silver, and copper (Life After the Oil Crash). All of these alternative energies and fuels cannot compare to the efficiency oil produces for us. These alternatives were too expensive, there was not enough time, and more energy was put in to produce than it produced, or it was an underdeveloped idea. All of the alternative energies need a little bit of maturity to produce something as proficient as oil. Recently many countries have become increasingly interested in indigenous, renewable energy sources, such as tidal energy as an alternate to fossil fuels for the production of electricity. Tidal energy is a huge source of renewable energy and holds great potential for future electricity generation. Tidal power is predictable, unlike solar power or wind energy. Though, even using modern day technological advances the amount of energy generated will still not totally cover and resolve the worlds energy supply problems. Alternative energy is an option that needs to be put into play. It is proven wind generators have a very mild, hardly if any effect on the environment. If anything a bird might fly into the propellers or a cluster of wind generators might somehow generate a magnetic field disrupting migratory birds route during migration season. Another problem would be lack of wind. Imagine if we relied mostly or entirely on wind power, if we had no wind going things would be thrown int o chaos and confusion, people would be helpless in some places, looting would be abundant and many other problems would be occurring. The curiosity of mankind has led to the discovery of various types of energy, the most essential being nuclear energy. It has become such a necessity over the years that humans cannot survive without it. Nuclear energy provides us with relatively cheap electricity, it helps expand the making of drugs and the equipment in the medical field, and the most vital of all, nuclear weapons. When Einstein and Hahn first began exploring this fascinating kind of energy, their intentions were not to use it as weapons of mass destruction. Unfortunately, that is what humans have made of them. Nuclear Weapons are a threat to the world; they are harmful to the environment and its inhabitants, they are indestructible and they cause competition between nations. Nuclear power has been around since the early 1950s. It is clean with the exception of producing of radioactive waste which has to be stored somewhere, plus there is a risk nuclear meltdown. It is still extremely efficient, for example a golf ball sized lump of uranium can fuel a nuclear powered submarine for 13,700 leagues or 66144 kilometres. Uranium-238 has a half-life of 4.5 billion years and makes up 99 percent of the total amount of uranium on the earth. I cant explain the process of nuclear reactors in one small paragraph so Ill just say that heat from the uranium is used heat water, create steam, and that steam spins turbines. So what do you think about coastal wind farms? Are you all for them, unsure, or completely against them? Well these wind turbines have caused a real uproar and this project of coastal wind farms havent adapted to the public as the government thought they would. Its now staring to look as though its been more trouble than what its worth. The Victorian government has designed on installing 2000 megawatts of energy production by 2010, which is the equivalent of 1200 to 1500 wind turbines. There are at present 27 operating wind turbines in Victoria, 14 at Codrington near Warrnambool, 1 on the Bellarine Peninsula, and 12 at Toora here, in South Gippsland. Each turbine stands between 100-130 metres tall, the equivalent of a 35-40-storey building, and the next generation is said to be even bigger. This sounds good, positive, its clean and renewable energy, pollution free, but it was where the turbines were to be placed that outraged the public. They were to be placed overlooking some of our most pressured landscapes on our coasts, like Wilsons Promontory, The Great Ocean Road at Nirranda, The Bay of Islands, Discovery Bay, Cape Bridgewater, Logans Beach, Corner Inlet, Bald Hills, and Kilcunda Coastal wind farm projects have become a problem as they have already, and will continue to have a devastating visual impact on our beautiful coasts, ruining the natural landscapes that values Australias Coastline. The sight of our coastlines has been obscured by these giants and is said to be industrialising our coast, which is hypocritical. As much as the coastal communities are fighting for their coast to stay the way it is, the government doesnt seem to be listening. This is only one disadvantage of these coastal wind farms, as there are many difficulties that have contributed to these projects. Another complaint is that wind farm developments could actually wipe millions of dollars from Victorias coastal property market, which has already occurred of up 30%. Landowners within 2 kilometres of Toora Wind farms have struggled desperately to sell their properties, and those who found buyers had to sell well below the market price. This price is also expected to drop even further if more wind farm developments near the coast start to take off like the expected wind farms near Cape Liptrap, which is said to have devastating effects on land values and its scenery. The noise factor is another problem, which has been an issue after some of these developments. People have been forced to abandon their dream homes from the coasts because of the tremendous noise of these wind farms. Mr. Stephen Garito, who said he had to leave his peaceful country lifestyle because of the low frequency, humming noise that is generated by the blades as they pass the towers and high speeds, which he said, created a similar effect to nightclub music. It was like a disco beat coming from a few blocks away rising and falling all day and all night. Even with all the windows and blinds shut, it still didnt stop the irritating noise, making them unable to sleep at night. The glare from the rotating blades was also a major turnoff for prospective buyers, and they complained as the flicker was worse than noise and drove you crazy. There was also the cost issue of establishing a wind farm development as each turbine would cost approximately $2.8 million (Australian) to be inst alled, therefore a 40-turbine wind farm would cost around $122 million. That was the bad side of this situation, and believe it or not there is also a good positive side and some advantages to be had with these wind farm developments starting with electricity. A modern 1.75 MW will produce approximately 5 million kilowatt hours of generation per year, which is equivalent to the annual electricity consumption of 900-1000 Victorian households. Wind farm energy is also a renewable resource of clean pollution free energy. Electrical energy is essential to billions of people around the world as we rely on it for the simplest things like light to read and water for the shower, but the conventional sources of power come from burning fossil fuels such as coal, gas, oil, or from nuclear fuels. Apart from the fear of fossil fuel shortages, they are destroying our planet and changing the climate, which has warmed by about 0.7 degrees Celsius in the last 300 years and about 0.5 degrees Celsius of that warming occurring in the last 100 years, which is a great concern . This change is due to the increase in the emissions of greenhouse gases, which these burning fossil fuels have created and scientific models predict that the average global temperature will rise by a further 3 degrees Celsius by the next century, unless change takes place now. With the global temperatures changing, this is also leading to the ice caps in the artic and Antarctic waters already melting, which is leading to sea level rises. The result of this on human and natural environments could be devastating as rising sea levels could submerge whole islands, flood low lying areas in many countries and without doubt push entire species to extinction. An alternative generation of clean energy source like wind farms are a growing importance and a global priority for future generations, as a modern 1.75 MW wind turbine would annually displace approximately 7,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide from other electricity sources. There is also the fact that jobs will be created through wind farm developments including coastal wind farm developments of about 30-50 local jobs during construction, and atleast 5 permanent jobs for operation and maintenance. As the supply of wind farm energy is greater then electrical energy, and depending on the normal economic theory, electrical prices will drop and the power quality should increase. The best advantage of coastal wind farms apart from the general advantages above is that wind turbines can actually be placed on concrete pillars in the water off the shore. So unlike wind farms inland, which still leaves more than 97% of the land its situated on for farming and grazing, these coastal wind farms wont ruin views and sceneries as they will hardly be seen. At Port Phillip, Western Port and Corio bays, 300 wind turbines are planned to be erected across these bays by the Nepean Wind Energy Company. The 140 metre high, 54 metre long bladed turbines are said to be built in water depths of up to 25 metres outside shipping lanes and away from areas with significant bird population. The facility could produce almost half of the State Governments target for wind energy in a single project, and the company claims the project will result in a reduction in the states output of greenhouse gases by 1.8 million tonnes and provide enough power for 260,000 homes. These wind farms will also allow energy users in Melbourne and Geelong to contribute to producing pollution free energy and it is said that A project of this scale has the potential to give Melbourne an iconic and sustainable feature. Research Papers on Alternative Energy Research PaperBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfPETSTEL analysis of IndiaRiordan Manufacturing Production PlanIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaGenetic EngineeringOpen Architechture a white paperTwilight of the UAWBringing Democracy to AfricaResearch Process Part One
Sunday, October 20, 2019
A Filipino Dish Called Kare-Kare Essay Example for Free (#2)
A Filipino Dish Called Kare-Kare Essay ? In general, Filipinos are known to be food lovers. This results in varieties of recipes that were either borrowed or produced. And among these is one of the most popular Filipino dishes named â€Å"Kare-kare†. But why â€Å"Kare-kare†? What does it possess that others are lacking? Well, to know the reason behind this, let me bring you to the colourful world of â€Å"Kare-kare†dish. From a far, you can feel the heat coming from the pot as the pork leg bathes itself in hot water. It is showered with salt and vetsin. Now, as the pork leg softens and feels comfortable inside, a cup of red, thick atsuete starts to flow around it. And looking like a painter’s colour palette, the golden ground peanut and white ground rice mixed with the river of atsuete, covering the entire pot surface. The tub then becomes more attractive and vivid, catching the attention of Mr. Green string beans, Ms. Banana bud, the leafy chinese cabbage, and the ever elegant purple eggplant to jump over. â€Å"Plok†¦ plok†¦ plok†, you can hear as the nutritious vegetables dive inside the world of â€Å"Kare-kare†. So pleasurable! But wait, there’s more. Accompanying this delicious and beautiful dish is a cup of bagoong embellished with chopped liempo. The tenderness of liempo and saltiness of bagoong perfectly match the â€Å"Kare-kare†recipe which will surely leave you asking for more. Satisfying right? Indeed this popular Filipino cuisine is very nutritious and more colourful. It is original and will not only feed your mind and your stomach, but will also wake up your love for the Philippines. Try to share it with others, perhaps to your family or friends, and I’m sure they will feel exactly the same way as you and I do even while just reading this essay. So what are you waiting for? Stop imagining and start cooking your â€Å"Kare-kare†. A Filipino Dish Called Kare-Kare. (2017, Feb 05).
Friday, October 18, 2019
HCM367-0801B-01 The Health Care Organization - Phase 1 Individual Essay
HCM367-0801B-01 The Health Care Organization - Phase 1 Individual Project - Essay Example We have managed to tackle the hurdle of offering better health care at affordable prices to our beneficiaries. Our associates and staff are working relentlessly on the guiding principles set by the Senior Leaders of VPP and VH. Over the period of time, we have been able to develop a strong network of physicians, business owners, health care suppliers and beneficiaries. Now, we need to think ahead and bring some transitions by bringing technological support and integration of VH and VPP for changing times. We need to redesign some of our business plans and health care delivery system without harming the core values of the organization. Health care industry is amongst world’s most advanced sectors, both, scientifically and technologically. Advancement in technologies provides long term benefits for our beneficiaries, associates and us. At the level of care delivery, the technological support can built better patient management plans - Evidence based medicine. It will also support us in promoting better health and decreasing mortality rates. With the help of technological support, we can venture into clinical venues by bringing changes in physician practice, ER Department and Other Departmental requirements and long term care. The technological support can help in sustaining the Revenue Cycle at better pace by Audits at regular terms, access to patients’ financial management and accounts receivable. (2). The success of VPP and VH is due to the outstanding business planning of the senior leaders and also the staff and associates. In this changing time, we need to develop ‘Participative Management’. In the words of John Schuyler, â€Å"A culture of trust where there is ready access to information needed to do one’s job; not necessarily all company information, but sufficient for employees to gauge company performance.†(3) The dynamic role of CEO and CFO will be to initiate and evaluate effectiveness of participative management. Other Senior
The driving forces in the changing role of accountants Literature review
The driving forces in the changing role of accountants - Literature review Example new business models and shifts in business-oriented demographics.In total, these forces of change are pushing or driving new societal values, expectations and needs and is entrusting more accountabilities on accountants to respond to these changes. In short, these changes are changing every feature of our globe in general and thrusting new duties on accountants in particular. Due to changes in the business sector due to various factors as enumerated below, there is an increasing recognition in business community for the need to develop a thorough understanding of these changes and other upcoming drivers of change and to equip themselves for a wide scale of probable future scenarios. Hence, it is significant and vital for the accounting profession to recognise the major factors and forces that are likely to shape the future. This will facilitate them to face sprouting shocks and to capitalise by acquiring new talents and skills. The study of drivers of change is important to the accountaning profession and for business executives so as to make them to prepare for the challenges from an indecisive tomorrow. This research study will investigate the promising drivers of change that could have the severe effect on accountancy profession and for the business over the ensuing decades. This study has referred various previous empirical studies on the subject to prove its research hypothesis, i.e. the important drivers for change in the role of accountants in the ensuing decade. This research study makes an attempt to offer a balanced picture on the effect of changing roles of the accounting professionals in the ensuing 5 to 10 years. The main research question will be â€Å"what are the driving forces in the changing roles of the accounting professionals in the coming decade and what the opportunity and confronts will it foster for the accounting professionals? This research study will mainly use secondary data like books, peer view journal articles, previous
Explain how John Steinbeck promotes agonistic and secular humanism and Essay
Explain how John Steinbeck promotes agonistic and secular humanism and give examples in The Grapes of Wrath - Essay Example As a result the wages are pulled down and many go unemployed. Those who are lucky enough to be hired are exploited thoroughly. Although the novel is an indictment against the fallacy of capitalist utopia, it does not gravitate toward a Marxist position. To the extent that Steinbeck accepts bitter realities of life in the United States without resorting to political and economic ideologies is evidence for the agonist in the author. Moreover, by showcasing virtue and resilience in the face of adversity, Steinbeck hints at poverty's noble connotations, which resonates with the message of the Holy Bible. Strengthening the case for the novel's biblical inspirations, the name of one of the Joad family members is Rose of Sharon. But it would be simplistic to classify The Grapes of Wrath as a Christian novel, for it deals with universal human concerns and universal avenues for salvation. Steinbeck makes it clear that such salvation is not an event in afterlife, but one accessible during the course of life itself. The last scene of the story, where Rose of Sharon, upon seeing the miserable starvation of an old man, offers him her breast milk (which her stillborn baby could not have).
Thursday, October 17, 2019
To what extent do you agree with the view that HRM is probably the Essay
To what extent do you agree with the view that HRM is probably the most culturally sensitive of all managerial functional areas - Essay Example Furthermore, an organization’s socio-cultural environment affects the adaptation of Human Resource Management Strategies and different cultural contexts pose different challenges. For firms doing business in multicultural environments or generally across cultures parochial views to management of human resources can proof disastrous. This paper looks into the strong interrelationship that exists between Human Resource Management (HRM) and people’s culture. Theories that have been developed to explain the phenomenon are also to be explored. Today’s business environment has taken a turn to be one that is highly globalised meaning that a firm operating in a certain area or country, it does not necessarily expect to have people of that area only or even that country alone (Lawson & Shen 1998). This therefore stipulates that such kind of an organization should expect to have a workforce that is multiethnic or exhibiting variations in cultural backgrounds. This hereby calls for the HR Manager or the management to embrace this fact so as to ensure survival in the increasingly competitive and volatile global business environment. Just but to give an example is the tendency where firms from the developed countries set camp in developing countries and move ahead to adopt standard HRM approaches to their new workforce. This kind of approach tends to undermine the cultural reality of the people and these strategies before long crumble to the management’s amazement. This not withstanding, knowledge of the target mark et’s culture is essential in ensuring a firm’s survival. Culture in this regard is the collective social occurrence that goes on to affect the HRM practices in an organization operating in a particular cultural context. A culture of a people is a phenomenon that cannot be changed due to the fact that it has been with them for a long time and that they identify themselves with it. Culture in this respect gives one their
Abu-Dhabi Development UAE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Abu-Dhabi Development UAE - Essay Example Over the last few years Abu Dhabi has diversified the economic activity through large sums of foreign and local investments in financial services and tourism. As a result Abu Dhabi has attracted a large number of people from all over the world who come and visit Abu Dhabi regularly, whereas many people stay here permanently. The development that took place in Abu Dhabi can be divided into three phases; first being the pre oil era, second phase is of the development that took place after the discovery of oil and the third phase is the recent development in construction which has attracted a large number of people from all over the world (Explorer Publishing, 2007). Abu Dhabi is located on an island in the north of the Persian Gulf and is just 250 meters away from the mainland from the nearest point. A number of bridges, most of which have been constructed recently connect the city with various parts of the country; however a large portion of the area is on the mainland which has a des ert and arid climate (Davidson, 2009). Abu Dhabi city is located on the island itself but there are many suburbs on the mainland most of them are residential schemes. The hot and arid climate of the region does not support agriculture and the number of green places in the city has been increased recently through strong efforts of the government and also through the use of technology. It is quite evident that the hot climatic conditions of Abu Dhabi are not good for agriculture and therefore agriculture does not have any role in the development of the city. The major source of income of the city over the last few decades has been the production of oil as it is the largest oil producer in United Arab Emirates and accounts for 9 percent of the total oil reserves of the world. Currently the oil production stands at 2.3 million barrels per day and the government has initiated various projects for increasing the oil production to 3 million barrels per day. The major development that took place in Abu Dhabi was based on these oil reserves, however recently the government of the United Arab Emirates and Abu Dhabi city has decided to reduce their dependency on the oil sector and have introduced various other programs which include the promotion of real estate and tourism and also the establishment of various industrial zones. The various industrial zones which have been constructed to facilitate the establishment of industry include ICAD I, ICAD II, ICAD III, Al Ain Industrial City (I and II) and also the residential city which has been planned for the workers of these industrial zones. The various facilities which have been provided in these industrial cities include: 1. High quality infrastructure to support the industries which has been planned and constructed in accordance with the international standards and codes. 2. The provision of public utilities in the residential cities which have been established inside these industrial cities and near them. These faciliti es include cultural centers, business centers, banks, shopping malls and hospitals. 3. Various zones within these industrial cities have been specified for the various types of industries which include light goods industries, wood industries, chemical industries, engineering industries, plastic industries, textile industries, construction materials industries, oil and gas related industries etc. This classification of industries in the industrial cities has led to the formation of clusters of same type of industries within the industrial cities. 4. These industrial cities also provide the industries with various warehouses within the industrial city. These warehouses have been constru
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
If every physical event has a sufficient physical cause, how can a Essay
If every physical event has a sufficient physical cause, how can a functionalist account for mental causation - Essay Example The most important point to note about the functionalism is that it indicates that mental states which constitute beliefs, being in pain and desires are composed entirely by their functional roles. Being a theoretical; level existing between implementation and physical output, functionalism is different from Cartesian dualism which supports the physical substance and mental independency. The aim of this paper is to discuss how functionalist account for mental causation given that every physical event has a sufficient physical cause. One of the major worries that are experienced in functionalism is the problem of mental causation. This refers to facing a problem of accounting for the idea that intentional mental state and intentional thoughts are triggers of intentional actions1. Mental causation covers the mind’s interaction with the rest of the world and how it influences the behavior of individuals. One of the major sub-division of the problem of mental causation is problem of mental causal exclusion. Others are anomalism and externalism problems. A good example of the causal exclusion problem is indicated when pain is experienced and it is generally linked to a certain state, and the higher properties of that state occurs, then argument that it is pain can casually irrelevant. In dealing with the problem of mental causation, various responses have emerged. According to Antony and Levine 1997, the problem occurred due to highly restrictive causation whereby a cause has to produce its effect. Other phil osophers indicate that causation covers the relationships that exist between various events that must be invoked in order to produce a certain behavior. Recently, causal exclusion problem has been noted to relate with theories of mental states. Theorists such as Anthony and Levine indicated that even though mental states can be defined based on their
Abu-Dhabi Development UAE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Abu-Dhabi Development UAE - Essay Example Over the last few years Abu Dhabi has diversified the economic activity through large sums of foreign and local investments in financial services and tourism. As a result Abu Dhabi has attracted a large number of people from all over the world who come and visit Abu Dhabi regularly, whereas many people stay here permanently. The development that took place in Abu Dhabi can be divided into three phases; first being the pre oil era, second phase is of the development that took place after the discovery of oil and the third phase is the recent development in construction which has attracted a large number of people from all over the world (Explorer Publishing, 2007). Abu Dhabi is located on an island in the north of the Persian Gulf and is just 250 meters away from the mainland from the nearest point. A number of bridges, most of which have been constructed recently connect the city with various parts of the country; however a large portion of the area is on the mainland which has a des ert and arid climate (Davidson, 2009). Abu Dhabi city is located on the island itself but there are many suburbs on the mainland most of them are residential schemes. The hot and arid climate of the region does not support agriculture and the number of green places in the city has been increased recently through strong efforts of the government and also through the use of technology. It is quite evident that the hot climatic conditions of Abu Dhabi are not good for agriculture and therefore agriculture does not have any role in the development of the city. The major source of income of the city over the last few decades has been the production of oil as it is the largest oil producer in United Arab Emirates and accounts for 9 percent of the total oil reserves of the world. Currently the oil production stands at 2.3 million barrels per day and the government has initiated various projects for increasing the oil production to 3 million barrels per day. The major development that took place in Abu Dhabi was based on these oil reserves, however recently the government of the United Arab Emirates and Abu Dhabi city has decided to reduce their dependency on the oil sector and have introduced various other programs which include the promotion of real estate and tourism and also the establishment of various industrial zones. The various industrial zones which have been constructed to facilitate the establishment of industry include ICAD I, ICAD II, ICAD III, Al Ain Industrial City (I and II) and also the residential city which has been planned for the workers of these industrial zones. The various facilities which have been provided in these industrial cities include: 1. High quality infrastructure to support the industries which has been planned and constructed in accordance with the international standards and codes. 2. The provision of public utilities in the residential cities which have been established inside these industrial cities and near them. These faciliti es include cultural centers, business centers, banks, shopping malls and hospitals. 3. Various zones within these industrial cities have been specified for the various types of industries which include light goods industries, wood industries, chemical industries, engineering industries, plastic industries, textile industries, construction materials industries, oil and gas related industries etc. This classification of industries in the industrial cities has led to the formation of clusters of same type of industries within the industrial cities. 4. These industrial cities also provide the industries with various warehouses within the industrial city. These warehouses have been constru
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Hard Times Essay Example for Free
Hard Times Essay Dickens presents his criticism of the education for the labouring class in a sarcastic manner. He has created the classroom as a factory. The purpose of the education in Coketown is to root out the innocence and imagination of young children so they will grow into utilitarian robots expecting nothing more than the drudgery of industrial life. Dickens uses specific methods to put his point across of bad education by using negative views. This is done with exaggeration because he wants the reader to think the same as what he thinks so it seems like education was extreme and intense. In Hard Times, the teachers fulfil the excessive teaching skills as they just want the little vessels to be filled with facts. Dickens also presents a contrast between two children to show how differently each child gets treated because of their background or their attitude towards things other than facts. Another method that he uses is making the characters stand out through their names to symbolise their personality. Throughout chapters 1-3, Dickens emphasises on the word facts because he wants to continuously present and criticise the education for the labouring class. Now, what I want is, Facts. Teach these boys and girls nothing but Facts. Facts alone are wanted in life This is the opening sentence of the novel and straight away you have a vague idea of the extremism of teaching. Also the word fact is in capital letters and this signifies the importance of learning nothing but facts. The introduction of the teacher has a lot of exaggeration at hand. Thomas Gradgrind is a middle-class, self-made man. A man of realities a man of facts and calculations. Dickens has made this character a very hard and cold teacher who knows what he wants from the students. He seemed a kind of cannon loaded to the muzzle with facts Dickens uses military imagery to show how the teacher wants to get rid of childhood imagination. He seemed a galvanising apparatus, too, charged with a grim mechanical substitute for the tender young imaginations that were to be stormed away. Dickens has described this as some sort of physics experiment because galvanising is the process named after Galvan in the stimulation of animal tissue by electric currents. But in this case it is the young children that are being stimulated with factual currents. Dickens has made the teacher to be very hard-hearted and cruel and this is to present his criticism on the education for the labouring class because he evidently disagrees with this concept of teaching and he wants the readers to feel the same way by using the different language techniques and this is mostly done through exaggeration.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Social Skills Improvement System Rating Scales
Social Skills Improvement System Rating Scales Abstract The objective of the Test and Measurement unit is to assist students get to understand the importance and the need of tests and measurement in the field of psychology. During counselling psychology, many testes and measurements are applied in the identification as well as definition behaviours as well as the mental state of clients. Among them is the Social Skill Improvement Rating System, which is just a taste that was developed to measure and assess social deficits within a person. The system is administered by high psychometric properties. It has been noted that, it has excellent internal consistency, adequate reliability as well as excellent to adequate excellent test-retest reliability. The samples used in testing reliability and validity are adequate. The tests in one way or the other addresses the significance of evidence-based multi-tired assessment that are applied when helping student to develop, improve as well as maintain their useful social skills. As a family, SSIS includes performance screening, class wide intervention program, rating scales as well as intervention guide. The instrument is a revised version of the most used SSRS, which enjoys strong history of use in most schools. In addition, the social skill improvement system rating scales, tent to have very strong psychometric features, along with scoring, makes the test ideally suitable to demands of screening, development of interventions as well as classifications in the middle schools. On the other hand, though there is existence of studies along with the information don the Social Skill Rating System, on the other hand, much has not been done to on the current SSIS These tests are best used within the context of four-phase problem solving processes. By this model, it is not easy for one to ignore the main purpose of the assignment, and that no matter the specific aim for waiting to assess SEL competencies, one tent to concentrate on his/her own assessment information in a manner that helps one the most significant questions. Tests and Measurements: Social Skills Improvement System Rating Scales Introduction In the course, Tests and Measurements, enables one to gained understandings about the significance, need, and use of tests and measurements in the Psychology field. Psychology in its self is a broad field that can be applied in multiple settings, focusing on different aspects, yet operating with the same direction and purpose. Psychology studies the mental state and behaviour of individuals. In order to obtain knowledge about individuals, as such, Psychologists and trained professionals establish and develop procedures that are meant to identify and define specifics about an individual. These procedures are considered as Tests and Measurements, which were developed to diagnose and assess individuals through using subject-specific constructs to provide logical reason and evidence to validate predictions or proposed diagnosis. In Psychology, different diagnosis, behaviours, and disorders have been defined and identified through a wide array of tests and measurements. With the diversity in tests and measurements, psychologists are able to define most mental states and behaviours presented by individuals. Fields of Psychology, like Clinical, Educational, Industrial-Organization, and Counselling, all have specific uses of tests and measurements to clearly define behaviours and mental statuses and establish treatment, diagnosis intervention, and therapeutic method interventions. With a specialization in Counselling Psychology, professionals deal with the intrapsychic of a client. Questions that counselling psychologists work to identify for client clarification are, How does the client view themselves? What strengths/weaknesses does the client identify as existing? How are the clients social life, social relationships, and professional relations? These are questions that Counselling Psychologists seeks to unde rstand and use for client comprehension and clarity. This step commences as the starting point for Counselling Psychologists to rebuild and rehabilitate a client, (, 2011). In counselling psychology, multiple tests and measurements are used to identify and define behaviours and mental state of the client. The original Social Skills Rating Skills, which is now known as The Social Skills Improvement Rating System, is a test developed to measure and assesses social deficits within a person. This psychological test was intended to serve as a tool in identifying behaviours of a person, in order to, diagnose and treat to improve the social aspects of the person. With a purpose to build strengths, healthy relationships, and positive outlooks about the self, the SSIS is a relevant assessment that can be used by counselling psychologists, in order to obtain results about an individuals mental state about the self, social life, and personal lifestyle. In this paper, an attempt will be made to define and describe the SSIS and how it could be used in Counselling Psychology. Social Skills Improvement System Rating Scales This test was developed by Elliot, Husse Gresham, this social skill rating system was published in 1990 by the American Guidance services. The social skill improvement system (SSIS), (Gresham Elliot), is just a comprehensive system of social skills assessment as well as the intervention tool for use with children and as well as these who are still in adolescence from the age of 3 years to 18 years, (Diperna, Volpe, 2005).. For my final paper, I have chosen to discuss the measurement Social Skills Rating System (SSRS), which is newly revised as the Social Skills Improvement System Rating Scales (SSiS). The newly revised version of the Social Skills Rating System is now the Social Skills Improvement System, which includes improvements in psychometrics, norms, and a new set of subscales (, 2011), as well as, a Spanish edition. Gresham and Elliot (2008) states that, Ninety percent of the items were new or substantially revised (paragraph 5). The Social Skills Improvement is intended to identify any social deficits, recognizing positive behaviours, as well as, negative behaviours, in students age ranging from 3 to 18. The SSIS includes three forms to identify social behaviours, the teacher-parent-student forms, which purposes are to evaluate behaviours at home, community, and within the school. Psychometric Qualities of the Test Standardization SSIS is a self-administered assessment, with a completion time between 10-25 minutes. The newly revised SSIS consists of technically sound measures when referring to the norms (Gresham Elliot, 2008). The norm group consisted of a mixture of 4,700 3-18 year old students. The sample was diverse and included representative numbers of children with educational disabilities and mental disorders, making the norms well-rounded and inclusive of all different cases of student descriptions. Reliability The revised Social Skills Rating System includes the same three forms as the original SSRS, the teacher, parent, and student, yet with better internal consistency reliability. Each form of the SSIS and there standard scores resulted in displaying consistent reliability. Test-retest methods were done over a 43-66 day time period and the results were as follow, for the Teacher form, results describe median adjusted correlations of .83 across 43-day intervals, with median adjusted correlations of .86 across 61-day intervals for the Parent form, and median adjusted correlations of .79 across 66-day intervals for the Student form (Gresham Elliot, 2008a). Validity According to Gresham Elliot (2008a), SSIS Rating Scales include three useful validity scales that allow examiners to judge the veracity of ratters: an F scale that will be elevated when ratters describe students as having an unrealistic number of problems; a response pattern index that is elevated if ratters provide an unusual pattern of responses (e.g., provides the same response to most of the items or provides a highly variable number of responses); and a response consistency index that is elevated if ratters complete similar items in very different ways(,paragraph 3). The validity of the construct has obviously made major and effective improvements, by measuring exactly what it is intended to measure. Correlations of the scales with measuring similar behaviour were high, with measurements of non-similar behaviours not correlating, (Gresham Elliot, 2008b). Uses of Tests The social skill improvement system in one way or the other addresses the significance for an evidence-based, multi-tired assessment that are used in the process of helping students to develop, improve as well as maintain much important social skills. Such like tools contained in the test, can be used early in the school years for the facilitation of the universal screening of these students who happen to be at risk for academic or even social behaviour difficulties. In one way or the other, it helps to plan for the interventions for improving such like behaviours, as well as evaluating progress on skills that are much targeted after the intervention. This assessment test contains tools that are particularly significant when evaluating students. The SSIS family of assessment as well as intervention tools include: performance screening guide; this tool offers universal screening of the behaviour which can be termed as being prosaically. Some of such like behaviours are math skills, reading skills as well as motivation to learn for all students in the whole classroom in not more than 20 minutes. Another tool is class-wide intervention program; this tool provides teachers as well as other professionals social skills instructional scripts as well as teaching resources for the top ten skills that tent to be much critical to the functioning of all students in particular classroom. The next tool is Rating Scales; this tool is concerned with offering targeted as well as comprehensive assessment of a persons social skills, problem behaviours along with academic competence. The last but not least toll is intervention guide; this provides in-depth social skills intervention for about 20 keystone social skills that are directly connecte d to SSIS Rating Scales outcomes, (Nihira, Leland, Lambert,1993).. Critique of the Test Strength This program is a revised version of the most used SSRS, which enjoys strong history of use in most schools. This instrument in addition contains assessment intervention records, which allows the integration of social skill assessment data with planned intervention strategies, as an effect, it allows professional to easily develop interventions that are based on the assessment results. Also, the instrument has a manual which clearly provides detailed descriptions of all SSRS objectives and goals, on top of having a guide that is user friendly. Nevertheless, the instrument test is easy to administer and much easy to score. In addition, the social skill improvement system rating scales, tent to have very strong psychometric features, along with scoring, makes the test ideally suitable to demands of screening, development of interventions as well as classifications in the middle schools. In addition, there exist SSRS versions that also provide further information that can be very much s ignificant in the process of planning on top of the evaluation intervention programming. Last but not least, the instrument use of multiple rater system provides a more broad-based assessment of social skills than any other instrument that uses a single rater system, like the elf reporting instrument, (Cynthia, Kenn, 2010). Another thing is that, the test measurement provides important needs assessment data for program planning. In addition, it also offers insight into the effectiveness of nationwide prevention as well as health behavioural initiatives that are designed to reach much education as well as counselling related objectives across the country. SSRS also produces the estimates of the prevalence of major adolescence behavioural risks and provides much crucial information for school officers, human service agency, policymakers along with parents, who are working in harmony optimum health young individuals globally. Weaknesses Though there is existence of studies along with the information don the Social Skill Rating System, on the other hand, much has not been done to on the current SSIS. In addition, the costs that are involved during SSIS are too high compared to other surveys. It also requires the knowledge of compiling data as well as coming up with reports is also required; this is based on the fact that, in the software package, it is not included. This instrument also faces the problem of standardization sample, as well as mixed reliability levels across all forms. Psychometric Qualities The instrument has standard scores which can be converted to percentile rank scores. The instrument furthermore provides separate norms for girls as well as boys, as well as these with and without disabilities. The high levels of internal consistency, test-retest reliabilities, content along with validity, have been reported by many writers. The computer software apart from facilitating scoring and reporting, it provides behavioural objectives and suggestions for planning purposes. A version that is scannable, offers group reporting options. Other than sorting, it arranges the information as per the group, classroom, individuals, schools, grades, gender, ethnicity, time and districts, (Mathews, Whang, Fawcett, 1980). The Tests Application in Counseling Psychology Setting Purpose The social skill rating system was published for the purpose of identifying and classification of social behaviours. In addition, it was also published for the purpose of assisting in the development of appropriate interventions for those who are identified as having social behaviour problems. Last but not least, the instrument was created for the purpose of addressing the significance for an evidence-based, multi-tired assessment that are used in the process of helping students to develop, improve as well as maintain much important social skills. Though theoretically is all kinds of children might be given the test, the test is purposefully geared towards handicapped children or children with mild to moderate learning difficulties. The instrument also can be used in the identification of social behaviour strengths, school or home-based behavioural interventions. Benefits or Usefulness The instrument is much useful in providing much comprehensive image or picture of children social behaviours. Another benefit accrued from SSIS is that, the three rating forms that are applied in the Social Skills Improvement System Rating Scales, offers much flexibility to the system. On the other hand, the instrument helps these using it like teachers and counselling professionals to plan for the appropriate intervention very quickly. Generally, the social skills rating systems allows individuals to get a more complete picture of social behaviours from educators, guardians and parents, and even students themselves. It helps in the evaluation of broad range of socially validated behaviours that affects teacher-student relations, academic performance, and peer acceptance among others. Challenges This instrument faces the challenge of sample standardization and mixed reliability levels across the forms. Another challenge is that, the instrument does not provide both appropriate and inappropriate social skills, so its users particularly focuses on the negative aspects of the behaviours of children other than taking into account also the positive aspects. Though there is existence of studies along with the information on the Social Skill Rating System, on the other hand, the instrument faces a challenge of having done less on the current SSIS; as a result, the current SSIS has little information. Another challenge faced by this system is that, the costs that are involved during SSIS are too high compared to other surveys. It also requires the knowledge of compiling data as well as coming up with reports is also required; this is based on the fact that, in the software package, it is not included, in conjunction with this challenge, only professionals trained in the psychology testing are in a position of interpreting the outcome, though it can be administered by any personel.. This instrument also faces the problem of standardization sample, as well as mixed reliability levels across all forms, (Malecki Demaray, 2002). How Results Would Be Used These tests are best used within the context of four-phase problem solving processes. By this model, it is not easy for one to ignore the main purpose of the assignment, and that no matter the specific aim for waiting to assess SEL competencies, one tent to concentrate on his/her own assessment information in a manner that helps one the most significant questions. The main function of the of the first phase which is termed as identification and clarification is to answer some basic questions that leads to the articulation clearly on the reasons that lead to the assessment undertaking in the first place. Din most cases, ones students are the main focus of the assessment; however the objectives of pursing the assessment might be far much complicated. In the data collection stage which is grades as phase 2, the counsellor collects the information needed that is needed during counselling. It is recommended that, the counsellor gives room for the assessment purpose, student character as well as the problem being addressed be the guiding principles to the selection and choice of appropriate procedures and specific tools, as this will provide necessary information. After all these, consider whether some means of information gathering are much significant that others, this is based on the student nature, assessment problem and the situation. Then the counsellor is to align the available tools to fit within the budget, (Heber, 1961). In the third phase which is co9nsidered to being the analysis stage, is where in detail, the data is now analysed. It should be checked if the available data confirms with the assessment problem. There need also to be an identification of specific issues that might be contributing to the problem in question. On top of it all, the councillor needs to determine if more information is needed to solve the problem in hand, a part from the one having. After all these, the counsellor is supposed to analyse any hindrance that might occur during problem solving, and if more information can be found in the existing school records. In case of any further data collection, an individual with the capability of doing that within the shortest time is identified. In the fourth phase identified as solution and evaluation, the target of the intention need to be identified based on the available information. In this stage, the counsellor needs to identify the most appropriate types of interventions or programs in the surroundings. An available resource is a very important factor to consider while carrying out this intervention, so the counsellor has to determine the resources available, which will then control the type of intervention used. As an effect, the type of intervention will determine if data collection ought to be continuous. Last but not least, the counsellor decides on the means of assessment to be used when evaluating the effectiveness of the program or the intervention, (Myers Diener, 1995). Conclusion Social Skill Improvement System is among other assessment system that professionals interested in assessing social-emotional competences of both children and youngsters. The forms of SSIS are just an update of what initially was called social skill rating system. The SSIS ratings forms include cross-informant tools that are being used by teachers, parents, guardians, children as well as these in the adolescent stage. The scales of SSIOS-Rating scales has been used when assessing children with behavioural and interpersonal skills problems, screen for problem behaviours, and identify children encountering social behaviour risk and poor academic performances. The social skills scales are used when measuring positive social behaviours like cooperation and empathy, as well as respect, amongst others. The problem behaviour scale on the other hand, measures behaviours that usually interfere with positive social skills. They can be categorized under; internalizing skills, externalizing skill s, as well as the hyperactivity. Lastly, academic competence skills, on its part offers quick estimate of academic functioning. In future, the SSIS will be intended for children and adolescent. It will be used in the identification of social skills deficit, as well as deficits in school related in to select skills that ought to be targeted during training, as well as the social skills training success evaluation. It also be used to yield the knowledge of student strength s deficiencies. Last but not least, in future, the SSIS will be used in the social behaviour exhibited by youngsters, both children and the adolescence in a classroom setting.
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