Saturday, August 31, 2019
Mohandas Gandhi: A Moral/Economic Progress Essay
In Mohandas Gandhi’s speech â€Å"Economic and Moral Progress†emphasis is placed on distinguishing the difference between economic and moral progress. From Gandhi’s experience and studies he recognizes that economic and moral progress are often opposing and interchangeable. Gandhi states that he knows little of economics but was more that happy to speak on the topic because of his strong belief in the importance of moral progress over economic progress. Gandhi relies primarily on religious text coupled with all three rhetoric devices to exemplify his argument. Gandhi quotes the bible in saying â€Å"Take no thought for the morrow†meaning one should seek morality over material advantage, an idea prevalent â€Å"in almost all the religious scriptures in the world†(Gandhi 334) and it is this very idea with which Gandhi argues. Gandhi views economic progress and moral progress as two singular properties. Gandhi makes the assumption at the beginning of his speech that economic progress refers to one’s materialistic wealth while moral progress refers to â€Å"real progress†(Gandhi 334) Gandhi introduces his idea of what defines moral progress by asking â€Å"Does not moral progress increase in the same proportion as material progress?†(Gandhi 334) In this question Gandhi is examining the relationship between economic and moral progress. Gandhi states that it is popular belief that â€Å"material progress does not clash with moral progress†, so it must necessarily advance the latter. Gandhi exemplifies this popular idea and applies it to the â€Å"case of thirty millions of India stated by the late Sir William Wilson Hunter to be living on one meal a day†this case built on the idea that before attending to one’s moral welfare their daily needs must first be satisfied. Gandhi continues on state how absurd this idea it is, it is his belief that every human has the right to life, food, clothing and shelter but to obtain these things â€Å"we need no assistance from economists†(Gandhi 334) It is Gandhi’s belief that the â€Å"test of orderliness in a country is not the number of millionaires it owns, but the absence of starvation among its masses†. Gandhi’s argument relies heavily on his use of ethos in quoting religious texts as well as historical figures. It is Gandhi’s idea that economic progress does not necessarily clash or assist in moral progress, but rather acts a vehicle, which holds the possibility for either outcome. Gandhi illustrates the potential for economic progression leading to moral growth when he recalls his time in South Africa. Gandhi had observed that the people of South Africa believed that â€Å"the greater possession of riches, the greater was their moral turpitude†(Gandhi 335) mea ning that the societal norms frowned upon living in excess and not sharing wealth. Though in contrast, Gandhi exemplifies economic progress leading to moral decay when he addresses the decline and fall of Rome, Egypt and even the Hindu deity Krishna, â€Å"with them material gain has not necessarily meant moral gain†(Gandhi 335) Gandhi is not opposing the pursuit of wealth, but the pursuit of wealth for material advantage. Gandhi applies pathos to religious ideals, evident when he describes what he believes to be symbolic of material progress, he states â€Å"It is not possible to conceive gods inhabiting a land which is made hideous by the smoke and the din of mill chimneys and factories and whose roadways are traversed by rushing engines dragging numerous cars crowded with men who know not what they are after†(Gandhi 337) Gandhi’s vivid imagery successfully conveys his idea that material wealth has corrupted the values of society and stunted moral progression. Gandhi’s speech is strongly driven by his use of ethics and emotion, but his speech also appeals to the logical mind. Gandhi’s use of logos is evident during his quotation of â€Å"the great scientist†(Gandhi 337) Alfred Wallace. Wallace, a British naturalist states that his country has put power and wealth before nature and Christianity and describes â€Å"†¦how as the country has rapidly advanced in riches, it has gone down in morality†(Wallace 338) Gandhi’s speech is largely based on the idea that society today upholds a distorted set of values, placing emphasis on material advantage and economic gain over moral growth and progress. Gandhi’s use of rhetoric devices appeal to a diverse audience using logic, ethics and emotion to prove that moral progress trumps economic progress.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Contribution of women in the agriculture according to the sub-sectors Essay
Crop Production In Bangladesh, a common social perception exists according to which women in the farm households do not perform field and market work and Men do not undertake most of the productive activities carried out in the proximity of the homestead. But in reality among poor households, such clearly demarcated gender divisions of labor do not apply. The traditional gender relations with women’s involvement in post-harvest work and men’s in fieldwork have not remained static over time. Presently, due to extreme poverty and a food crisis, social norms and traditions are changing and women are appearing in the field as well. About 60-70% of women from landless and near-landless households work as agricultural wage laborers, whereas women from larger farms do not participate in field activities. In the Grameen Krishi Foundation working areas in North-West Bangladesh, women equally share all tasks in rice production, even the presumably male task of irrigation. Forestry Women use the forest products for food, fuel as well as for handicrafts. Women in rural Bangladesh are responsible for obtaining the household fuel supply. They collect firewood from the forests. A traditional role of Bangladeshi women is collecting dung for fuel from the forests where cattle graze. Cow dung is the largest source (6. 6 million ton or 26% in 1992-93) of traditional fuels in the unorganized sector. Women also have a major role in homestead forestry. Livestock In Bangladesh, women are in general responsible for livestock and poultry rearing. Poultry rearing is a traditional activity performed by women for income generation. Feeding livestock, cleaning sheds, securing them properly for the night, and health care are the activities performed by women. Men are involved in the heavy work with the animals such as taking them out of the compound. Owing to their crucial role in livestock care, women are generally consulted while buying and selling the livestock. Women take care of the farmyard manure collection thus reducing recycling, which has important consequences for soil fertility. Fisheries Women in Bangladesh have diversified roles in fisheries, with substantial participation in small-scale fisheries. In Barisal and Rajashahi districts, women catch fish. They, to a large extent, carry out the drying, curing, and marketing of fish as hawkers, stall keepers in permanent market places and weekly bazaars. The majority of the employees in shrimp processing plants in Chittagong and Khulna are women. Women are also predominantly involved in net-making, the main income generating occupation in many families, and freshwater fish farming (FAO, 1980). Women have traditionally participated primarily as family labor in preparing fish nets and, in some areas, in fish processing. In some NGO and government programs, women from landless households cultivate fish individually or jointly in leased ponds, either within or near the homestead. Contribution of Agriculture in National Export-Earnings Agriculture of Bangladesh has not occupied an important place in the external trade yet. Contribution of agriculture to the export earnings even now is not so significant, still the potential of agro-based/ agro processed products is becoming visible now and there are valid reasons as to why this sub-sector should get due attention of the policy makers, trade bodies as well as producers/ exporters. Bangladesh as most of the LDC and net food importing developing countries has conflicting interests on many issues of agricultural negotiations, particularly on food security and market access perspective. Agriculture contributes about 9% of the world trade, but the world trade in agriculture was never run under a free trade regime. Budget Year Export-Earnings from Agriculture Rate of Export-Earnings 1991-92 268 13. 44 1992-93 314 13. 17 1993-94 347 13. 69 1994-95 452 13. 01 1995-96 476 12. 25 1996-97 526 11. 88 1997-98 502 9. 70. 1998-99 422 7. 92 1999-00 440 8. 15 2000-01 484 7. 48 2001-02 390 6. 51 2002-03 462 7. 59 2003-04 553 7. 84 2004-05 310 5. 35 Fig: Contribution of Agriculture in Export Earning Contribution of agriculture in credit market Agro finances a very much important part of the agriculture. And a huge amount of agri financing comes from the bank loans which is both Government and Non Government bank loan. Besides many NGO’s are also giving agricultural loan. So that it can be said that agriculture has a number of shares in the credit market. It has been concluded in different studies that the agricultural credit advanced by the financial institutions (banks) is not easily available to the farmers. On the other hand, Grameen Bank and quite a number of NGOs are giving credit to the farmers, although much of that credit is being used for non-agricultural purposes. However, the major proportion of agricultural credit still comes from the financial institutions. But the amount of credit that is available from this institutional source fulfills only an insignificant portion of the total credit requirement.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Business Performance Measurement Using Balanced Scorecard Critical Review Accounting Essay
In a rapid turning economic universe, companies ‘ direction has ever sought for ways and metric to estimate if a company ‘s concern public presentation aligns to its scheme. Performance metric is critical in doing direction a possible exercising and aid in replying some common inquiries like what are our ends and how effectual is our scheme? As one of the most important recent inventions in history, the Balanced Scorecard foremost proposed by Kaplan and Norton in 1992 defines a methodological analysis that can be used by direction for end scenes or strategic preparation and public presentation measuring from fiscal and non-financial or operational point of view. It is besides aimed at heightening organisational public presentation by leting companies ‘ chief organisational procedures to be better managed by directors to better competitory market place and company public presentation. The outlooks of directors are high, and this explains why academic and managerial i nvolvement in this direction tool is on the addition. This paper critically examines plants or research done by outstanding writers on this topic to see the verve of Balanced Scorecard as a concern public presentation measuring tool in modern economic system. Literatures on Balanced Scorecard are on the rise as its methodological analysis become popular among top concerns. Gumbus and Lussier ( 2006 ) in their work, examined Balanced Scorecard and its characteristics ( ) , and why little medium concerns are recommended to utilize it as a metric for concern public presentation. Their surveies came at the clip when Balanced Scorecard is non been widely adopted by SME but by the large companies as a public presentation measuring method. Braam and Nijssen ( 2008 ) discuss factors impacting Balanced Scorecard acceptance and the two cardinal constructs of Balanced Scorecard use in recent clip: as a public presentation measuring system ( PMS ) and as a strategic direction system ( SMS ) . [ 4 ] carried out researches to look into if the Balanced Scorecard add values to companies that adopt it and how it does contributes to the public presentation of an organisation. [ 5 ] examines a outstanding characteristic of Balanced Scorecard cause and conse quence relationship and if Balanced Scorecard can associate operational prosodies with scheme which can be understood and influenced by directors as a valid strategic direction tool. [ 7 ] took a practical attack in discoursing ways that Balanced Scorecard can be used by undertaking directors to step and better the operational public presentation of their squad and besides clarifies aims and concern scheme. These literature discuses extensively on public presentation measuring with Balanced Scorecard cutting across assorted use and industries every bit good as farther elaborated in the advancement of this paper. Most surveies focus on large companies the scarceness of surveies associating to Balanced Scorecard been used in SME for concern scheme motivated [ 1 ] to ship on shutting this spread. They used a instance survey methodological analysis attack on three little concern endeavors. Research was conducted through personal interviews with executives at Hyde Park Electronics, Futura Industries, and Southern Gardens Citrus ( SGC ) . [ 1 ] examine each of the SME to place how of their concern scheme and public presentation aligns with the Balanced Scorecard features both in the short footings and long term. Financial metric, as indicated in their survey, is sale from new merchandise accounting for high net income of the organisation. The Operational Quality was identified to same-day bringing, bringing within five yearss, and on-time bringing. Customer Satisfaction metric was detected to be indicated by increased gross revenues and increased income that would ensue from merchandise credence a nd the coevals of repetition clients. Learning and Growth metric see the induction of employee public assistance plans such as benefits, net income sharing, preparation, and employee communicating and employee activities. By the above findings, [ 1 ] farther cited that about half of the large corporations in recent times has improved public presentation with the usage of Balanced Scorecard as operational and strategic measuring. The instance surveies affecting the SMEs rhenium seen to besides profit from utilizing this direction tool. [ 1 ] The consequences of the instance surveies of Hyde Park Electronics, Futura Industries, and SGC support the anterior literature from big companies. The consequences once more indicated that enterprisers can excessively profit from developing and utilizing a BSC. The benefit or value gotten from utilizing BSC was investigated by [ 4 ] , and in their survey, two research hypotheses were developed: how much does the Balanced Scorecard create value and secondly, how does the Balanced Scorecard create value? For the first inquiry [ 4 ] adopted the usage of Activity-Based Cost Management ( ABCM ) model, in comparing to BSC effectivity in happening how organizational ends aligns to people ‘s public presentation. The 2nd inquiries saw the usage of the Strategy-Focused-Organisation ( SFO ) to research the beginnings of possible value created by BSC. The methodological analysis used was quantitative in nature and an empirical study and analysis of informations collected from EU companies that have used BSC. In their findings, [ 4 ] argued that value is so been added to companies by the usage of BSC. They indicated that the public presentation of an organisation comes chiefly from what it does during scheme interlingual rendition, its consistence in act uponing managerial patterns, and its function in resources alignment to strategic aims i.e. from the agencies to the terminal. The surveies of [ 4 ] hinted the construct of following BSC for PMS every bit good as SMS. Thus, [ 2 ] , in their research differentiate these lifting constructs of Balanced Scorecard ( public presentation measuring system ( PMS ) and strategic direction system ( SMS ) ) , and factors impacting their acceptances by companies as shown the survey done by [ 2 ] . Hypothesiss were developed to steer and develop their methodological analysis which involves quantitative attack. Data aggregation was done by questionnaires sent to 40 Dutch houses gotten from database of companies which had responded to a benchmark study for best patterns in direction control and public presentation measuring in the four areas/domains of involvement of the Balanced Scorecard. [ 2 ] indicated in their findings that the acceptance of both types of Balanced Scorecard benefits from top direction engagement. Consequences besides show that utilizing Balanced Scorecard as PMS will profit from the support of the admi nistration ‘s finance section. They besides cited that Balanced Scorecard as PMS accent on an inclusive measurings of both fiscal and non-financial values which gives valuable image of the company ‘s place in the market. However, public presentation metric indexs cut across the cardinal characteristics of BSC itself, as such [ 5 ] in their survey analysed the cardinal premises of BSC and the relationships among the four countries of measuring suggested ( the fiscal, client, internal-business-process and learning and growing positions ) and its consequence on scheme and public presentation of an organisation. Research inquiry to steer their survey was besides raised: is there a causal relationship between the countries of measuring suggested? The methodological analysis that was used is analytic because, as argued, increases preciseness and lucidity degree in understanding the BSC construct and theoretical account. Past and present literatures were widely analysed. [ 5 ] one cardinal findings indicated that companies ‘ do non necessitate to see priori concern scheme before planing a coherent set of public presentation measurings reasoning that the design of public presentation indexs can work as a accelerator for scheme preparation. The preparation of scheme entails the development of undertakings to transform them into operational aims. This is further discussed by [ 6 ] in their survey. They used the BSC methodological analysis in their survey to develop, trial, and use a strategic measuring system, specifically for undertakings. The attack adopted was a comparing and study of two undertakings monitored by the writers and undertaken by undertaking squad. Their consequence indicated that BSC plays important function in bettering undertaking direction effectivity. They besides argue or indicated that balanced public presentation measuring is an of import technique for set uping on-strategy undertaking bringing The above surveies further give more penetration on the construct of BSC as a public presentation measuring tool that is best used in exciting thought of comparative steps in the critical success factors of any concern. Thus, organizational public presentation sees an addition when, as the chief tool, BSC is used to interpret the scheme of the house. In this respect, BSC contributes positively [ 4 ] [ 6 ] . However, the acceptance of BSC in an organisation depends to a great extent on the degree of top direction and product-market kineticss every bit good as the finance section. If a company is in a competitory market, client satisfaction and fiscal values are of extreme importance to exceed direction and finance section. These public presentation prosodies influence the preparation of scheme and therefore the acceptance of BSC particularly as public presentation measuring system [ 2 ] . However, the support of top direction and the employees ‘ deduction do non look to be requi rement conditions to do the successful development of a BSC [ 4 ] . The influence of BSC on departmental units and internal administrations within the house can be detected in undertaking squads. The BSC clarify and improves strategic step and connexions thereby bettering internal public presentation in traditional deliverables. It is importance to observe that at that place does non be one BSC that matches all administrations but BSC development is team-based [ 1 ] [ 6 ] . Furthermore, as indicated by [ 6 ] , companies ‘ operational aims in undertakings become a direction success as internal sections are exposed to run of strategic-performance indictor which clarifies and proctors project vision and ends. [ 4 ] Surveies indicated that despite the broad acceptance of BSC in recent times, the methodological analysis is non free from defects. Kaplan and Norton describe the relationship among the characteristic of BSC as causal ( cause and consequence ) , i.e. one metric taking to another, and a dependence relationship. This nevertheless, an issue as for case, the satisfaction of clients does non basically give good fiscal consequences hence the relationship is a logical and non causal one as it is inherit in the BSC construct. This portends that the premises made by BSC possibly invalid taking to the expectancy of public presentation indexs which are faulty, ensuing in sub-optimal public presentation [ 5 ] The reviewed surveies are non without restrictions as hinted by the writers. The research by [ 1 ] is marked with a restriction in instance survey attack as at that place does non be any survey on BSC been used by little concern at the clip of the survey. Furthermore, the plausibleness of findings did non protect against the research restrictions in the survey done by [ 2 ] . The generalizability of the findings was edged by a restriction in the sample size, the respondents ‘ chiefly fiscal background, and the usage of cross sectional informations to look into the degree of acceptance of both BSC types at the same time. [ 4 ] besides highlighted that measuring or mensurating the public presentation of an organisation is a difficult scientific discipline. Again, in their survey, sample houses did n't hold unvarying execution of the BSC construct. One restriction of this paper is that it is analytic which is based on researching surveies and researches associating to BSC. Trustin g on these beginnings can, nevertheless, non be deem insightful as an empirical survey. Further research is necessary and should be expanded on about all concern service sectors on how BSC is used to aline concerns to capital budgeting processing. Larger sample size should be used every bit good as extra factors, for case consideration of institutional motives for BSC acceptance. The influence of BSC on the internal relationship between sections and undertaking squads should besides be researched.DecisionThe balanced scorecard is a tool which methodically expands the measuring zones traditionally involved in accounting. Its cardinal end is to cut down the issues associated with the usage of fiscal steps for control intents by infixing non-financial measurings in a strategic control model [ 5 ] . The connexion between concern scheme and aims utilizing BSC creates an apprehension of public presentation measuring and metric that guides the co-ordinated and careful action of directors. Surveies analysed in this paper show that the BSC creates and adds value to organisations that adopt it and promotes more reliable communicating effectual plenty for direction decision-making. Therefore while the adopting of BSC is on the rise by more concerns, this paper analytically shows the positive part of BSC to the public presentation of an administration with an increasing organic structure of cogent evidence.[ 1 ] Gumbus, Andra. & A ; Lussier, Robert N. ( 2006 ) . Entrepreneurs Use a Balanced Scorecard to Translate Strategy into Performance Measures. Journal of Small Business Management, 44 ( 3 ) : 407-425.[ 5 ] Norreklit, H. ( 2000 ) , â€Å" The Balance on the Balanced Scorecard-A Critical Analysis of Some of its Assumptions †, Management Accounting Research, 11 ( 1 ) pp. 65-88.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 1
Economics - Essay Example The author argues that global success of various products and brands despite the vast cultural differences among the countries are the proof that the markets are getting more integrated. It mainly speaks about the need of having the products exposed to global markets. Richard E. Caves, 1980. Industrial Organization, Corporate Strategy and Structure. Journal of Economic Literature, 18(1), pp. 64-92. The above resource is a great contributor to the area of strategic management. The study mainly focused on the impact of a strategic choice on company’s behaviour and performance on the markets. Toder, Eric J., Cardell, Nicholas Scott., Burton, Ellen, 1978. Trade Policy and the U.S. Automobile Industry. United States: Praeger. The above book focuses mainly on the importance of scale of operations. It makes a comparison between U.S. and Japanese automobile industry. It clearly describes how in the 1970’s U.S. automobile industry suffered due to low scale of operation. Chapter 17 Brian, Arthur, 1996. Increasing Returns and the New World of Business. Harvard Business Review. July/Aug 1996. p. 2-10. This is an article that examines the theories laid out by Alfred Marshall and other fellow economists. This article makes a contrast between the diminishing returns concept passed on by the economists and increasing returns concept of the present century. The author says that the concept of diminishing returns is valid only in a bulk processing economy of Marshall’s age. He says that in today’s world of technology driven business, the concept that will determines success is ‘increasing returns.’ Chapter 18 Yip, George, 2000. Global Strategy in the Twenty-First Century. United States: Prentice Hall. The author stresses on the importance of companies to go global. The chapter begins by saying that in the 1980’s globalizing the business was a matter of debate and discussion. But when it came to 21st century companies restrain from globalizing only if they have valid reason for doing so. The author says that today’s multinational companies can be classified as internationalist, federalist and global maximizer. The main theme of the article is that companies should become as global as possible and at the same time should localise their products to be successful globally. This article is one of the greatest contributions to the field of globalization. Internal strengths of Motorola Brand Image: The first and foremost strength of Motorola is that it is one of the best brands in the world. Motorola is a brand that is being recognized for reputation, quality and innovation. Motorola is one of the largest used gadgets in most developed countries though it is just an establishing brand in developing countries. Pioneer of Technology: The second major strength of Motorola is that it is the pioneer in various technologies in the telecommunication industry. It was Motorola which introduced the world’s first hand held cellular phone. Motorola was the first company to introduce push-to-talk system in a mobile phone. The company’s latest innovation is the digital high definition television. Product range: The next major strength of Motorola is its wide product range. Apart from wireless handsets, Motorola is also a competing player in wireless accessories, digital entertainment application, voice and data communication systems, wireless access systems and enterprise mobility
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Strategic Management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Strategic Management - Case Study Example This company is now selling their products in almost all countries through out the world. Imperial says that combining the fourth and fifth largest cigarette companies in the world on a friendly basis makes compelling sense and would be a good strategic fit, and analysts say there would be no major competition problems. (UK's Imperial Tobacco makes $15billion bid for Spanish rival Altadis) SWOT Analysis- SWOT analysis is intended to provide information that is appropriate for the company's resources and other factors for the purpose of maintaining its prevailing market position. It means analyzing the Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats. All these four factors should have an equivalent role in retaining its market strategy. Strength of a company indicates about its competitive advantage, mainly in respect of its patents, brand name etc. "SWOT Analysis highlights the weaknesses of the company and the threats to which it is exposed; the strengths of the company and the way the company has positioned itself to take advantage of the opportunities." (Imperial Tobacco Group PLC, Corporate Analysis). ... At the same time Threat creates a critical situation within the company's environment. It is a framework for the company to analyze the strength and weakness and for matching the company's opportunities with its threats. The major strength of Imperial Tobacco is that of innovation in the whole business areas. The company is delivering high quality products to their customers through which they are retaining and finding loyal customers for selling their products. The industry average in management practice is only up to 87%, but as far as the company is concerned, Imperial Tobacco achieves 88% towards its performance. Thus it becomes evident that they are the leaders in the industry. VRIO framework is a tool for analyzing an organization's capability for operating its business activities in an effective manner. This is a tool, which is internally applied within an organization for reviewing and improving its functioning. VRIO indicates Value, Rarity, Imitability, and Organization. Value means a firm's capability to utilize an opportunity and to defend any threat from others. It also provides a specification about the resource capacity of an organization. It is helpful for planning the future performance of a company and to defend against competitors. It enhances a company's productivity, which is more beneficial for improving its profitability as compared with its competitors. In order to maintain the Value concept, certain elements like corporate culture, effective management system, developing a friendly work atmosphere, and the adaptation of certain innovative techniques are essential. Rarity means an organization's ability to maintain its resources in the han ds of a few personnel. Due to the scarcity of resources, it is not easy
Monday, August 26, 2019
U03a1 Project Current Environment Analysis Essay
U03a1 Project Current Environment Analysis - Essay Example Various tools are used in strategic management planning process including SWOT analysis, PEST analysis, Scenario Planning, Competitive Analysis, and Chain Analysis. Firstly, it would be better to deploy SWOT analysis method to analyze the health care organization’s current environment. The organization has long years’ working experience and it seems to be the most potential competitive advantage of the BAMC (Murgo, Westerhof, Giolma, and Altobelli). This health care organization started its operations in 1879 as a small medical dispensary. Presently, it is the only Level I trauma center in the MEDCOM. Under BRAC 2005, the BAMC has decided to expand its inpatient services with intent to improve the health care quality. In addition, the organization offers nuclear medicine service, PET/CT, SPECT/CT, and molecular imaging and other therapy services; these distinctive services add to the BAMC’s potential strengths. In the opinion of Treasure, Rainer, and Sadler, medi cal readiness and training weaknesses are the most obvious limitations of the Brooke Army Medical Center. Since the medical readiness and training are the crucial elements in determining the degree of efficacy of a health care organization, those issues may adversely affect the growth of BAMC. The BAMC began the construction of its Consolidated Tower (CoTo) in 2009; this facility would meet the infrastructure requirements of administrative department, outpatient pediatric clinic, SICU, CCU, expanded Emergency and Trauma department, psychiatric nursing units, and USAISR Burn Unit (â€Å"US Army†). Hence, this addition would be a potential opportunity for the BAMC to get closer to its expansional objectives. However, it seems that staffing shortage especially; nurse shortage has been challenging the long term sustainability of the organization. Currently, the US president Barack Obama is planning
Carry Trade Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Carry Trade - Essay Example While on the one hand exports are down and production are down, on the other hand a large number of job losses is causing further slide in economy. This raises the curiosity about the importance of carry trade in this scenario. Carry trade, as the name suggests is the trading activity that one indulges by carrying forward the returns or losses of the holdings by an individual or a business entity. Yen has been a popular instrument amongst the trading community as an important tool for holding foreign exchange and dealing in financial transactions. Selling the Yen at lower interest rates and then using the funds for purchasing higher interest currencies like dollar or pounds would yield considerable profits. Such a carry trade prospered, with the hope of sustaining the higher swap ratio and lower interest rates on Yen. But, with western economies reeling under recession, the Yen has considerably become strong, resulting in some loss making propositions for Carry trades. This has broug ht the issue of carry trade in focus. ... Such a carry trade prospered, with the hope of sustaining the higher swap ratio and lower interest rates on Yen. But, with western economies reeling under recession, the Yen has considerably become strong, resulting in some loss making propositions for Carry trades. This has brought the issue of carry trade in focus. This study is an effort towards analyzing the trends in Carry trade over the years and its impact on the economic conditions of different countries. An effort will also be made to foresee the futuristic trends while analysing and comparing the development of the markets. Chapter-1: Introduction Economic activities, financial services, and banking have experienced quite a few changes in the last couple of decades. With the opening up of economies, the industrial activities saw an upsurge on global scale. The financial system around the world also saw need to have a matching regulatory mechanism. The exchange rates became more transparent while investments in one region or country poured in from different corners of the world. The differences in rates of interests, prices indices, exchange rates led to a trading system termed as carry trade. 1.1 Background of the Study For many years the trading in foreign exchange has been a simple process. It basically involved buying the currencies with the highest returns while selling those with the lowest. Such a 'carry trade' helped in creating high returns with low volatility. This trend continued for many years creating bumper returns for some investors. Some analysts considered that Carry Trade violated the fundamental theories explaining the markets like the uncovered interest rate parity (UIP). The UIP states
Sunday, August 25, 2019
My Teaching Philosophy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
My Teaching Philosophy - Assignment Example Only when I recognize my limitations will I be able to work a way towards overcoming them and becoming a better teacher. This way, I will also be passing the message along to my students that when they recognize their own limitations, it is only then that they can start actual learning. For this purpose, I will hold class discussions as well as set up tasks that challenge not only the students but for me as well so that together we can start walking towards the path of self-enlightenment, of sorts, where we finally become excellent receptacles of knowledge. To foster a learning environment, I think, I do not need to merely stick to the curriculum as a system of rote in their classroom, but rather I should come up with new and innovative ways in which the students learn their curriculum through novel and new ways, which capture their imagination and make them eager to participate in what is going on. There are, I feel, many students who are held behind, not because they are unintelligent, but because they are not moved by the typical and traditional methods of teaching. By infusing the classroom with some innovative techniques of teaching, I feel I will be able to draw in the â€Å"bored†sector of the classroom as well, thus making it easier for everyone to learn by participation and taking an interest. This would imply that I do not pin-up unrealistic or idealistic hopes about my own teaching capabilities as well as the learning capabilities of my students. I should not only be realistic about the results and outcomes of my teaching techniques and capabilities but should also keep in mind that the students, at their young age, have much more to cope with in their lives and studies are not always their first priority.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
International HRM Strategy Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
International HRM Strategy - Term Paper Example There was a steadfast improvement in the production and marketing activities in all subsidiaries. The HR ethnocentric strategy employed led to the rise of expatriate managers, who run the subsidiary organizations on behalf of the main office. The top management believes that expatriate managers can implement the American business working culture effectively towards development. These cultures involve management styles, industrial production processes and working overtime. Some social features inhibited smooth running of the business in the subsidiary organizations. In France, the labor force preferred to have an authoritative lines manager who would guide them instead of one who got his or her orders from the top management. An authoritative manager decides on his or her own (Kippenberger, 2002). The second cross- culture issue included in the case study involves working extra hours. The French work force believes in having both a professional and personal life. These cultural aspects counter the main idea for the tactic by not following the rules provided by the headquarters. Another option would include taking shifts, in the case of public holidays (Wakin, 1979). The employees and managers could decide that different groups remain behind on one holiday while the rest go and vice versa. Employees need to learn rather than train. Training involves attending classes, which consumes both time and money (Fottler, 2002). Furthermore, with the high rate of change in technology employees need to learn how to operate and adapt to new things. In terms of trade unions and participation, the human resource department worked towards a no union policy. Both local and international employees work towards the achievement of goals. The workers contributed in the production process and other subordinate activities, but not decision making. With the no union strategy, no unionized activities took place in either local or international sections of the firm.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Online Community Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Online Community - Essay Example This means that people could be living in the same geographical area but since they do not share the same values, they are not deemed as community. The conventional community is that which lives together physically and shares their values and practices within a locality. The contemporary community does not have to be living in the same locality since they could practice their values on a remote platform, which is online. Campbell describes the contemporary community, or community online, as that social unit that interacts online aided by the use of the internet (Campbell, 2010). He traces the emergence of the community online back to the early 1970s when the email first emerged. Emails were first powered by the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network, commonly abbreviated as ARPANET, which was also the first operational packet switching network in the world (Brasher 25). The online space was, at first, purely a research space and not for social interactions’ use. Soon ARPANE T created the first electronic discussion group establishing a moderated space to oversee various aspects of network business and research. Researchers within these messaging groups began forming unofficial groups such as SF-Lovers, created by some researchers to discuss science fiction. This and other early groups pioneered the social community online. Several special interest groups started emerging thereafter and this liberalization saw the birth of the â€Å"net.religion†debating group where religious opinions were aired. Further debates saw the narrowing down of this group to specific religious online forums, the first of which to emerge being â€Å"net.religion.jewish†. Newer advents of technology saw the creation of both newer and more precise forums and also better and faster ways of furthering these religious debates such as bulletin board systems (BBS), multi-user object oriented (MOO), multi-user dimension (MUD), and internet relay chat (IRC) rooms. Through standardization, regulation and setting of â€Å"rules of engagement†within the various forums, these computer-supported groups automatically qualified as communities, or more precisely, virtual communities. Campbell concurs with a definition, of virtual community, by Rheingold, that virtual communities are social aggregations emerging from internet forums when enough people carry on discussions with human feeling to form networks of personal relationships online. The evolution of Christian community online did not stop at the web groups and discussion forums for specific religions, in the mid – 1990s, cyber-churches and cyber-temples emerged as websites exclusively providing online worship services to their respective target groups (Stower, 2001). The argument behind this unique move was that the internet provides a forum for revolution, similar to the protestant wave, to reform and reinvent the ways in which faith and values are practiced and people communicate wit h each other and with God. The understanding was that people do not have to physically meet to practice their religious values and that computer networks provide social networks within which people can meet face-to-face, but virtually, within the computer network (Dawson 15). The study of religious community online critically began in early 1990s when scholars started paying attention more attention to issues of technology being used to congregate online, the types of discussions and practices. Two researchers,
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Removing barriers Essay Example for Free
Removing barriers Essay In a setting where the client is not there by choice, one of the major problems associated with substance abuse treatment is the client’s resistance. Generally, the techniques aimed at overcoming denial and resistance in such a setting can be grouped into two broad categories, namely confrontational and non-confrontational techniques. Confrontational techniques usually encompass intense treatment in order to break the client’s defenses and full abstinence from illegal substances (Sciacca, 1997). Non-confrontational techniques stimulate the client to accept his or her problems and cooperate with the counselor. Motivational interviewing is one of the most vivid examples of this approach. Instead on focusing on punitive measures and inadmissibility of relapse, motivational interviewing calls upon the client to engage into introspective activities and generate awareness of his or her addiction and attendant problems. This approach might be preferable to the first one since addicts tend to posses very strong ego-defense mechanisms (Sciacca, 1997). Motivational interviewing implies the development of trust between the client and counselor as well as empathy towards and acceptance of the client’s value system. Instead of being punitive and judgmental, the counselor should be tolerant and understanding. The counselor should be also able to send a message of hope and belief to the client (Sciacca, 1997). Another effective non-confrontational approach is client-centered therapy. The engine of change, as this philosophy argues, is the client’s self-realization and self-motivation. This is a non-directive approach to therapy that limits the role of the counselor to a listener and adviser rather than guide and enforcer. Thus, it is possible to conclude that non-confrontational techniques are more effective in involuntary treatment of substance addiction. References Sciacca, K. (1997). Removing barriers: dual diagnosis interviewing. Professional Counselor 12(1): 41-6.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Tickets Movie Analysis Essay Example for Free
Tickets Movie Analysis Essay Starring: Blerta Cahani, Valeria Bruni Tedeschi, Silvana De Santis Sanije, Dedja Martin Compston, Gary Maitland, Carlo Delle Piane, Filippo Trojano, William Ruane Written by: Abbas Kiarostami, Ermanno Olmi, Paul Laverty Directed by:  Ken Loach, Ermanno Olmi, Abbas Kiarostami MPAA Rating: Unrated Language: English, Albanian, Italian, with English subtitles Running Time: 115 minutes Date: October 24, 2006 Introduction: The compilation films hardly ever work as a unified whole; the best to hope for is that one of the section will stand apart from others, as is the case with Life Lesson’s by Martin Scorsese from New York Stories and The Hand by Wong Kar-Wai from Eros. The new movie Tickets grips u well from the beginning till the very end mainly due to the fact that three different directors have worked together in flawless fashion combining one series into the next one. The whole movie takes place on a train. Ermanno Olmi (The tree of Wooden Clogs) an Italian director being with an upsetting story of an old Italian professor played by Carlo Delle Piane remembering a beautiful assistant played by Valeria Bruni Tedeschi who took care of him while being on a business trip. Sitting in first class dining car, he finally turns his sight towards more instant matters. The next story is told by Abbas Kiarostami who also directed the wind will carry us and Taste of Cherry. He tells a story of an ex soldier played by Filippo Trojano now fulfilling the whims of a bossy general’s widow played by Silvana De Santis. His displeasure mounts when he meets a couple of teenage girls from his hometown. Than it is the turn of Ken Loach who also directed Sweet Sixteen and My name is Joe. He tells the story of a trio of Glasgow Rangers football fanatics played by William Ruane, Gary Maitland and Martin Compston who are heading for a big game and on their way they meet a concerned Albanian family. Movie Review Tickets certainly has a number of examples in different cinema’s, movies which have brought together famous directors to make a single short story that is either is or isn’t linked to the central idea. The short movie format is infamous for its trickiness. A critical trend is associated with such films. One sequence tends to do better at the price of the other. The movie Tickets is in the same process with the story of Olmi being the worst where as Abbas’s story getting the most praise. The strength of tickets is its remarkable stability of quality in all the three different parts and they in spite of the difference in the style and content show a unity of vision to the movie as the whole. The journey of the train proves to be a life affecting one for the characters. Their eyes are opened to the world surrounding them in way which proves to be a decisive action.  In the first story of Ermanno Olmi, a 60 year Pharmacologist recognized as The Professor cannot focus on the report he wants to write for a company he visited because of the intuition on him by a beautiful and kind P.R women who saw him off at the train station. As the train leaves the station, he recalls the moments between the two, gestures and looks whose implication could be taken more than a friendship. He starts to write a letter to the women to express his feelings in which he frequently stops to think. This story opens up in a seductively non linear fashion reflecting the memory of the professor of their meeting which than recalls a childhood memory in which a piano is played by a girl whose face he cannot see. The professors thought is occasionally interrupted by different stories which are taking place around him. Is the man actively conducted to music he is both listening and reading to a musician or just and excited music devotee? Why is the man sitting on the opposite side ripping stories out of the newspaper? Why are the soldiers and their commander on board? The commander sits opposite of the Professor whereas his men are standing in the corridor talking to a pretty young female of an Albanian family who cannot afford seats in the First class car. The attention of the professor diverts to the female. He shows an act of kindness which awakes him from his fantasy and from his memory and even from the ignorance of the world. He is not the only one to go such a change. The second story of Kiarostami reduces the tone with the introduction of some well portrayed character comedy as a woman makes her way through a train and grabs two seats one for herself and the other a young man whose name is Fillipo whom she continuously bullies like he is her son. She is woman with whom even a slightest disagreement would be a problem. One such unexpected result is the conflict over a mobile phone which surely prompts laughter. Fillipo meets a young girl from his home town which makes him to re think his own life decisions. This story is an examination of relationships and how status, duty and experience can shape personalities and lives. The true meaning of the woman’s journey whose exposure reveals the behavior of both her and Fillipo which leads to Fillipo’s decision which shows us the glimpse of weakness underneath her hard exterior. A few carts down are three young Scottish Celtic male supporters who are on their way to see a Champions League match. Many will quickly recognize that this is the story of Ken Loach and this story provides the significant jump in style as the language turns over to English. One of the issues here is communication but the ideas to the story are the themes of international solidarity and working class nobility very close to both Laverty and Loach. The lower class status of both the groups is decisive to the narrative. The three supermarket workers from Scotland whose employer has given a bag of sandwiches for their journey which their low income cannot afford and when one of the supporter lose their ticket, their problem increases. They cannot buy their way out with a credit car. They present the sandwiches as a gift when the trio starts a friendship with the Albanian family also mentioned in the first story. The friendship between the two groups soon is shattered when one of the Scot suspects the young son of the family to have stolen it. The recovery of the ticket is important as the owner may risk an arrest on his arrival in Rome. Their effort in recovering the stolen ticket and hearing the story of a family whose story of poverty surpasses theirs. They face them with an ethical problem motivated by the doubt that they may be being spun a well trained line. It is here that the significance of the title is most eagerly felt, where the ticket is more than just a means of traveling and becomes something that could actually change lives. The three different stories are associated by more than just the characters and the entire journey. They distribute thematic concerns of relationships, self awakening, social status and communication and explore these areas in different ways. The entire cast is brilliant throughout with actor Carlo Delle Piani playing the role of The Professor wonderfully assigning the thoughts of a man lost in the new and old memories. Gary Maitland, Martin Compston and William Ruane delightfully perform the role of the three Celtic Football Club supporters. The cast in Kiarostami piece is effectively striking with Filipo Trojano and Caroline Benvenga playing the girl whom he meets communication through their eyes. Through their eyes Filipo suggests a hidden sadness and gentleness where she suggests large and wide as an anime princess as they do with words. Conclusion If one compares the three different parts, the weakest tends to be of Olmi since it is far too inactive, inert and the object of liking of the main character is too weakly construed. The high point of the movie is Kiarostami story. A delightful and humorous observation of a lady who not willing to let go of a former soldier and self respect which is all of a sudden dissolved by the death of her husband who was an army general. She forces thing her own way and most of the time gets away from it. The story of Loach is typical of his style, an obvious heart for the working class and a bigger heart for the demoralized class. He ends the movie in a cheerful mood which is very good as Tickets is a magnificent celebration of the world’s three truest directors and putting their work in one movie is a joy to watch. Bibliography Tickets from Kamera. Retrieved on June 7th from Tickets from Cine Boom. Retrieved on June 7th from,%2Bken%2Bloach,%2Bermanno%2Bolmi)%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Korsgaards Position About Lying To The Murderer
Korsgaards Position About Lying To The Murderer In this paper I will discuss Christine M. Korsgaards position about lying to the murderer at the door in response to Immanuel Kants view regarding the matter. I will then give two objections to her view and explain why I dont find her account to be very persuasive. Then, I will argue why I believe that lying to the murderer at the door is permissible in my opinion. I will start off by explaining Kants view. Kant believes that his moral theory forbids lying under all possible circumstances, even those where there is a murderer at the door wondering if an innocent victim is hiding in your house. After all, if everybody lied, even just to murderers at the door enquiring about the whereabouts of their victims, then the lying could not succeed since no murderer would believe what one says, and therefore lying violates the first form of the Categorical Imperative, which Kant calls the Formula of Universal Law. Similarly, the lie violates the second form of the Categorical Imperative, which Kant names the Formula of Humanity. The lie fails to respect the rationality of the murderer, since by lying we manipulate the murderer into actions directed at our own intensions and ends. Since the liars end is opposed to the end that the murderer has willingly chosen for themselves, the liar fails to treat the murderer with respect and dignity and therefore trea ts the murderer merely as a means to get what they want. Lying even in such an extreme case as the murderer at the door is a Imperfection violation of the Categorical Imperatives according to Kant. Korsgaard goes against Kants assertion that it is wrong to give the murderer at the door the wrong answer arguing that it does not violate the Categorical Imperatives to lie in these circumstances. She further discusses that it is a duty to lie to the murderer at the door and expands on her reasoning. Korsgaard comes up with a two level theory on which the first form of the Categorical Imperative would apply under all circumstances and the second only when one is defending oneself or another against evil. In order to defend Kants first Categorical Imperative, Korsgaard argues that it is in fact permissible from a Kantian point of view to universalize the maxim, or principle that governs action, when lying to the murderer at the door. She argues that the first form of the Categorical Imperative is not violated in the case where the murderer makes a secret of their murderous intensions. She explains that if the murderer at the door does not know that the recipient knows they are murderers, that the murderer will think that the recipient will believe that they are just a friendly neighbor trying to find out where their friend is for example. In other words, she believes you can universalize a maxim in which you respond to evil with an effort to frustrate evil through deception, where the evil person is unaware that you are aware of his plan. The evil person, or murderer, does not realize that you are in the position in which you would use this maxim; therefore you would be able to use th is without frustrating your purpose to successfully get away with your lie. Imperfection In order to defend Kants second Categorical Imperative, which explains that we must respect each others rational nature by always treating others with respect and dignity and never merely as a means, Korsgaard argues that it is permissible to not abide by this formula due to the fact that the murderer is not respecting your rational nature by lying to you in the first place. Korsgaard argues that we are permitted and also have a duty to mutual aid one another and lie to the murderer at the door out of self-defense. She believes that in order to protect yourself you may respond to a lie with a lie. The murderer is not offering you the grounds to consent to his activity with him, so Korsgaard believes that you are not obliged in response to offer transparency. Part of her argument is that you are being lied to, and you have a duty of self-respect, not to allow yourself to be used as a tool for evil. Korsgaard explains that this makes it possible to lie back to the murderer. She also ma kes a point that we must protect one another, especially if the person you are protecting is innocent. Korsgaard also believes this in this case you would not be abusing communication by the lie. Korsgaard relates more with the non-ideal Kantian view versus the ideal Kantian view in which Kant takes. Ideal Kantian theory is how we are permitted and obliged to behave if we lived in a society where we all followed the rules and we were of good will and good faith. This theory explains how flawed and imperfect but good human beings would be required to behave in respect to one another. Non-ideal Kantian theory on the other hand is relevantly different. It explains how we are required to behave when many of us are of good will but Imperfection many of us are also not of good will. Korsgaard relates non-ideal Kantian theory to this case, the murderer is not acting on a good will. She believes that in non-ideal circumstances we have justifications for treating each other in such ways that we wouldnt treat each other in ideal circumstances. Although I think Korsgaard has made some interesting claims, I believe her arguments have not been fully persuasive. My first objection to Korsgaards argument is that I believe she misunderstands how Kantian universalization is supposed to work. Korsgaards account will not defend Kant successfully because it only works under certain circumstances. This is Korsgaards main flaw in her assertion Universalization does not work when the murderer is transparent about their evil intensions. Korsgaards argument only works when the murderer does not know that you know of their intensions. Lying maxims fail to be universalized when both parties know the situations they are in causing a major gap in Korsgaards argument. I believe that regardless of whether you can universalize lying to a murderer, it should almost always be permissible to do so in order to save a life. For example, if you were hiding Ann Frank in your basement and the Nazi Police came to your door and asked you if you were hiding any Jews, you would have to tell the Nazis the truth under Korsgaards universalization claim. The Nazis know that everybody knows of their murderous intentions, so they know that you know that they will kill Ann Frank if you told them where she was hiding, therefore the Nazis will know that you will lie to them in order to save her life. So you will not Imperfection be able to universalize this maxim and get away with lying in this particular situation. This example proves that Korsgaards assertion is in very weak, since it only works under a certain scenario. After discussing this material with my partner, Corine Machalani, we went over some objections that Korsgaard might offer to this assertion. I believe Korsgaard would argue against this claim by stating that in a scenario where the murderer is not trying to deceive, the only thing you could do is refuse to answer his question. This is absolutely ridiculous because I think if you told a murderer that you would be putting your life in danger. By telling someone that you are not going to tell him, you have practically admit that you are hiding something from them. So in the case of the murderer you are admitting that you know the whereabouts of their victim but refuse to tell them. This would be a very dangerous situation that I would altogether try and avoid. When dealing with an evil person such as a murderer, you must protect your life. I believe lying to the murderer at the door is permissible out of self-protection and because it is the morally right thing to do. You know that by hiding Jews in your house you are breaking the law, so in order to protect yourself against the Nazis you should be allowed to lie out of self-defense. Even where the Nazis tell you that if you tell them the truth that you will be rewarded instead of personally prosecuted or injured, I still believe you should lie. You should help one another and to protect an innocent persons life because it is the right thing Imperfection to do. Life is the most precious thing and should be guarded in any way possible, whether your life or another individuals. Although I believe Korsgaard has made a good point regarding the duty to aid an innocent person against evil, I believe some of her reasoning is incorrect. Korsgaards argues that if someone lies to you, you can lie back to them. Korsgaard argues that since the murderer is lying to you about their motives, you may respond to a lie with a lie. I believe this is not a strong argument. A lie is an intentional invitation of trust and a breaking of faith, and the fact that the murderer is lying to you doesnt justify you lying to them back, and it definitely is not a reason that makes lying moral in any way. My reasoning regarding this matter is the eye for an eye argument, I believe two wrongs dont make it right. Just because someone lies to you doesnt make it right to lie back, and if our world operated this way there would be nothing but chaos. I believe when deciding whether lying is right or wrong, it all comes down to the intensions of the parties involved. The Nazis have evil intensions of murdering innocent people for no reason, and you have good intensions of protecting yourself and others. Even though in Germany back in those days it was the law to hand over the Jews, that society was corrupt and flawed. The only time I would argue that it is permissible not to lie to the murderer at the door would be if the person you were hiding in your house were also a murderer. I believe lying is acceptable when saving an innocent life. Korsgaard has not successfully justified in pointing to Kants view of lying Imperfection as a refutation of the Categorical Imperatives. I believe a Kantian needs to bite the bullet and agree that there are some serious flaws in their argument. There are lies that Kantians believe are impermissible even though such lies are actually a duty in my eyes. Korsgaard has not successfully proven that Kants Categorical Imperatives actually work in difficult situations concluding that her argument is not very strong.
BindImageEx Function :: essays research papers
The BindImageEx function computes the virtual address of each function that is imported. This function supersedes the BindImage function. Use BindImageEx to provide a status routine or flags to control the image binding. BOOL BindImageEx( DWORD Flags, PSTR ImageName, PSTR DllPath, PSTR SymbolPath, PIMAGEHLP_STATUS_ROUTINE StatusRoutine ); Parameters Flags [in] Specifies the behavior of the function. This parameter can be a combination of the following values. Value Meaning BIND_NO_BOUND_IMPORTS Do not generate a new import address table. Windows 95/98/Me: This flag is required. BIND_NO_UPDATE Do not make changes to the file. BIND_ALL_IMAGES Bind all images in the call tree for this file. BIND_CACHE_IMPORT_DLLS Do not discard DLL information in the cache between calls. This improves performance when binding a large number of images. ImageName [in] Pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the name of the file to be bound. This value can be a file name, a partial path, or a full path. DllPath [in] Pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the root of the search path to use if the file specified by the ImageName parameter cannot be opened. SymbolPath [in] Pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the root of the path to search for the file's corresponding symbol file. StatusRoutine [in] Pointer to a status routine. The status routine is called during the progress of the image binding. For more information, see StatusRoutine. Return Values If the function succeeds, the return value is TRUE. If the function fails, the return value is FALSE. To retrieve extended error information, call GetLastError. Remarks The process of binding an image consists of computing the virtual address of each imported function. The computed virtual address is then saved in the importing image's Import Address Table (IAT). As a result, the image is loaded much faster, particularly if it uses many DLLs, because the system loader does not have to computer the address of each imported function. If a corresponding symbol file can be located, its time stamp and checksum are updated.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Wondrous Strange :: Character Analysis, Kelly Winslow
Life is the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death. â€Å"It is believed that in life no one can change your happiness but you; therefore, you have the power to change anything about yourself or your life that you want to change†(Barbra de Angelis). The Internal struggles that the main character, Kelley Winslow, faces in this novel is man vs. herself. This strongly affects the character as well as drives the plot because the character struggles with her decisions, physical/mental battles as well as trying to find her identity. Throughout this novel, Kelley has been trying to find her identity and who she really is. Some people may say that a person has not found themselves; however, you do not find yourself. You create yourself. During the process of creating yourself, you have to know what you fear, and what you cannot live without. Kelley learns what she is afraid of, and who she does not want to lose. â€Å"†¦fear of losing him, sorrow of what he has already risked for her†(Livingston 274). In the novel Kelley finds out that she is adopted. â€Å"Emma†¦ Was I†¦ adopted (Livingston 222). In continuation to this, Kelley learns from her aunt, Emma, that she is adopted. She also leans more about where she came from, who her birth parents are, and about faerie history. This proves that Kelley wants to know more about her heritage, which leads to herself creating her identity. In order to create herself, Kelley needs to know more about her heritage. She also learns what she likes, and does not like and what she wants to do with her life. â€Å"Kelley was speechless. She dreamed of this†¦ This is it. This is my big break! (Livingston 5), â€Å"Kelley was a Faerie princess. In defiance of the Faerie king, she had taken up her destiny on her terms" (Livingston 316-317). This shows that she accepts herself, in addition to gaining her goals. Kelley Winslow goes went through a huge development, and journey in finding herself, even through the many obstacles she faces. Decision is a mental process you conduct to result in a making of a selection of a choice. Kelley Winslow had made various decisions throughout her life, which had made an impact on her characteristics.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Themes of Aldous Huxleys Brave New World :: essays research papers
Aldous Huxley’s wrote the novel Brave New World in 1931. This dystopia novel is mainly narrated in the third person from the characters Bernard or John the savage, but also comes from the view of Lenina, Watson and Mustapha Mond. The time setting for this novel is referred to A.F. 632 meaning 632 years after the ford production of the Model T car. As for the place setting it takes place in a hatchery that is set in England, however, there is also a scene that takes place in New Mexico where the savage is from. The tone for Brave New World is very juvenile, silly, ironic, and pedantic. Within the novel’s themes there are motifs, recurring structures, contracts, or literary devices that help the themes develop. Pneumatic, â€Å"Ford†, sex, and Shakespeare all help the themes to develop the plot for this novel that Huxley has written. Brave New World focuses on the use of technology to control a happy, sexual, and stable society. They use technology in the book to create this society from birth to death. In the very begging of the novel the boy students are taking a tour through the hatchery to see how embryos grow and get conditioned. At the end of the book it is this technology that kills the â€Å"Savage†. Soma, soma is the cure to everything. Nervous, mad, sad, not feeling sexual, just take some soma. It is the cure to all that doesn’t make them happy or feel at ease. In a way the world today uses technology to create a somewhat stable society, but not for a sexual society. The novel also is based on a consumer society that cannot tolerate unhappiness or the truth or what comes next in life’s stages. Brave New World goes to any extreme to make the needs of the people satisfied. The Alphas, Betas, Gammas, Deltas, and the Epsilons do not know what diseases, old age, pregnancy, motherhood/fatherhood, or regular life is like, but they do not have to worry about life. The ten controllers do not want their people to have to face what the world would be like if it was not controlled by the technology. To not be able to be a mother/father, get old, or have time alone seems unfair. This is not happiness, it only takes away minor problems in life. To grow as a whole we need to have life experiences, whether it is a bad or good experience, we need them to make us, us.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Letter to Local Planning Authorities from an Entrepreneurial Farmer
1.1 Introduction to myself and reason for proposal. My name is MR Michael Christou and I live and work at Moatlow Farm (GR 156 538). Farming in my area is becoming increasingly difficult. This is due to poor soil and the harsh climate. Also I am receiving much less income because of increase in cost of keeping my live stock and the decrease in their value at market. 1.2 Please consider the above details when reviewing my proposals. (The following) 2.0 General explanation of my proposals (Of which there are three) 2.1 Development of out buildings into holiday accommodation. Firstly I propose to make the appropriate alterations to some of my unused outbuildings. If I do so I will be able to accommodate tourists consequently earning a little extra income to pay for the keeping of my animals and giving tourists a quality experience of the peak district area, which will bring more money into the area and community. 2.2 Restriction of certain foot paths during lambing season. My second proposal is that the public footpaths which cut through my land are closed for the period of time when the lambs are at a stage where if they are disturbed they are easily scared because this leads to them growing to be unhealthy. Although I agree that the general public has the right to be able to experience this scenic and peaceful environment, but if they carry on passing through my fields as regularly and in the great numbers that they do then, especially during lambing season, my income and the role I play within the community will be impaired. 2.3 The replacement of dry stone walls with easier maintainable fencing. Being a hard working farmer I strive at putting 100% into my work knowing the more time I put in the more I get out, but an everlasting problem of tourists damaging and myself having to repair or pay for damaged dry stone walls is becoming somewhat of a hindrance. Also the more time I put into repairing the dry stone walls the less time I have for real work this is why I suggest that the majority of the walls are replaced by cheaper, easier to maintain fencing. 3.0 Evidence and ideas to support my plan. 3.1 Evidence and ideas concerning out building development. There are an extremely large number of visitors every year to Dovedale and the peak district area; this is where the local community gains its income to be able to support itself. It is inevitable that if an extra place for a family to stay is provided people will take that opportunity. If accommodation is provided for 2 or 3 families then it would be an extra 2 or 3 families in the local area which means not only I receive much needed extra income but the whole community will benefit. The simple reason being that those two or three families will be spending their in the shops, paying to use the facilities and paying to visit the attractions in the area. 3.2 Evidence and ideas concerning the closure of certain foot paths at certain times. Changing the routes during busy season is in favor of what the P.R officer is proposing and also it would be a great benefit to my self. 3.3 Evidence and ideas concerning the replacement of dry stone walls with easy maintenance fencing. People in opposition to this proposal would argue that the removal of the dry stone walls would be the removal of a natural beauty; but the walls are not natural, man put them there. But that is not my point/argument just fact. I agree that the removal of all of the dry stone walling would be the removal of something which I believe symbolizes English countryside, culture and heritage. But I am not asking that all the walls are removed/destroyed just the ones that surround my land and nearby farms. This would be barely noticeable to the general public but would make a significant difference to myself and my work. If the walls are left there I will have to continue repairing them after visitors have damaged them which is either time consuming, expensive or both. If it is not possible at any point for me to make a repair to the wall then holes form meaning my animals can escape easily consequently getting lost or injuring themselves costing me even more money. Also the lime stone can be used again for things such as repairing other walls, strengthening/repairing foot paths instead of scaring the scenery by digging for it. In short it is been re-cycled, beneficial to the local community. 4.0 Justification of my proposals in comparison to those of the parish council and the public relations officer. 4.1 Why the parish councils proposal will not benefit the community. (1) The car parks are to be made by the laying of tarmac. If this is to be done then extreme disturbance of the local area will occur, e.g. the heavy plant machinery will make such noise and will take up space there fore the area will have to be closed to visitors during construction other wise extreme disorder would occur. This closure to tourists, even for a short time would kill most of the communities' peoples income. (11) The cost of visiting the area for most people is far from cheep then on top of that when visitors arrive the parish council wants to charge them for parking their car. The tourists already provide a large percentage of our income to charge them for things such as parking would almost be exploiting them! After all they do have as much right to experience this environment as we do. 4.2 Justification of my proposals cont†¦ Why the public relations officers proposals will not benefit the community (1) The proposal of putting information boards around the area to help give visitors awareness of what they are doing to our area will benefit the area in no way what so ever. My reason for believing this is that I believe that the people who take out the time and show interest in these information boards saying ‘Don't drop litter' and ‘the country code' etc are the people who would have thought to respect our environment in the 1st place. Consequently the boards are a waste of money. (Money which is donated by the local community) (11) Making alternative footpaths out of hard wearing footpaths i.e. tarmac would have the same negative effect on the community as explained in section 4.1 (1). Whereas if you (the committee) were to accept my proposals the lime stone from the walls would be crushed and used to make hard wearing, natural looking footpaths. 4.3 The afore mentioned proposals of the P.R officer and the parish council would both have a negative effect on the community and would just cause a great hassle. My proposals have been carefully planned to have a positive effect on the community, whilst making the role I play within the community more focused. 5.0 In conclusion: Please consider all of the facts and think about how our community is going to benefit the most. I am confident that once you have done this you will decide that my proposals are going to have the most positive effect on the future development and future in general of our community, and there fore should be put into place.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Hector Beverages
Marks, Manna, Jamming Kola Kathy, Oakum, Googolplex aka Pain, Mil aka Amman and Clearer, was launched last year with the theme of home made Indian healthy drinks/ Hector Beverages Pet. Ltd. , is a disruptive entrant to the industry with the aim to change this. Priced at RSI 30 for a mall pack, thanks to its innovative packaging and low overheads, the drink is trying to create a space for itself with the customers of different category. As of now, Distribution channel for selling paperboard is direct sales in MAT market and Distributor model in GET market. So, there is no particular distribution channel for Samos. The broad objective of the Short term project Hector Beverages Pet. Ltd. Is to suggest different segments of retail stores where paper boat's presence can be created to increase its sales.The major objectives of this project were 1) As a new beverage company known for wide product portfolio Hector gave the task of Segmentation of retail channels in the Oneida region of NCR a nd developing a go-to market strategy for increasing penetration in this area. 2) Developing database of different stand-alone modern trade stores , traditional read stores and other outlets in Oneida 3) Analyses of various areas of Oneida and its stores 4) During the course of the project covered 80+ outlets in Oneida and recommended 30 outlets along with appropriate the sales promotions strategy. For this we started with the process of segmentation of the stores on the basis of various parameters.The first one being the target group , and we defined the target group based in the interviews we had with the retailers and customers in the Oneida region. Target group : Based on our interviews with the retailers in Oneida region we cached a basic sketch of the typical customers of paper boat in this region. Age: 17 College goers and first Jobbers , people who like to try new beverages and flavors. These people are more health conscious than soda guzzling consumers. One reason is the fa ct that they are out everyday and mostly consume at least one beverage outside the house, either with a meal or Just hanging out with friends over conversation. Hence, these people also look for variety as they are tired of having the same flavors overtime.The most preferred flavors that unanimously all retailers aid sold the most were Am Rasa , Am pain and Clearer. Segmentation : on the basis of presence of target Audience in the vicinity. 1) Perfect Fit – Places where the entire customer base fits into the target group of paper boat. These places have a lot of potential to help increase sales tremendously. College canteens – ASS College , Jayvee college , ABBES college Amity Office cafeterias – -arcs , park , Barclay These stores are visited daily by the same customers and the frequency with which these customers buy beverages is very high, almost one everyday. Hence , these are he best places to reach to our target group.Not only should these places be tapped and paper boat's presence should be made paper boat can be placed and since the customers visit everyday they are likely to try new flavors and get hooked to them ultimately. Sales in these places will ultimately results into popularizing the flavors through word of mouth and customers will start eventually buying paper boar not Just for themselves but to take back home , for family and friends. 2) Almost there – Places where at least 70 percent of the customer base fits into the target group. These are places not inside the institutes and offices but around them. The retail store that most of the college shops from outside , the street snack store that every one goes to once in a while.This would include at least 40 street vendors outside offices park , Barclay in areas like sec 62, 63,58 . 3) Will get there – Places where at least 50% of the customer base fits into the target group. These include both retail stores and eateries . Eateries and coffee shops like those in Oneida , Apparatus and sec 25 which offer a wide variety of food and and the customers usually like it to be accompanied with a average. Matthias shops which serve light snacks like Samos and other Indian variants of it , also fall in the same category. So do the bakeries . All these places , along with the food do sell some beverages and their sales are huge. Paper boat should benefit highly from being present in these places.Another category here are the retails stores in the areas which are frequented by our target group like the ones in B block market of sector 62 , TOT mall , Sector 25 market. Also kiosks on the metro stations – cafe buddy come under the same category. 4) Get in the house This refers to the Modern trade stores. This is not for our target group specifically , this is the route to get into customers home and achieve a status of being on the shopper's list. Big bazaar in sec 18 , Spencer and easy day would all fall in this category. Segmentation : on th e basis of sales This will help us Judge the potential a particular place/segment has to increase the sales of paperboard. To get the Judgment right we have categorized stores into three stores.To understand the potential that the store might have paperboard we have marked the stores on the basis if the sales of coco cola since that is one beverage each one of Hess stores stocked and no other beverage was uniformly present in all the stores. Total coco cola sales will help us understand the amount of sales that can be generated for a beverage in these stores and paper boor needs presence in these stores to take a share of those sales . On these basis we have distributed the stores in to three categories 1) High 2) Medium 3) Low The names are self explanatory and depend entirely on the sales volume of coca cola from these stores. All stores are marked on the high medium low scales in the excel , so please refer to the excel to get a better understanding of the individual store status .
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Four P’s of Redbox
4 P’s of Redbox: Product Redbox’s products consist of DVD, Blu-ray disc and video game rentals. Each of the discs come secured with a barcoded DVD case and are vended from a kiosk. These kiosks are self-serve, customer- interactive computer terminals that are available for public use. Each of Redbox’s kiosks can hold up to 200 titles and 630 discs. Redbox is known for their signature color, being red, displayed on both their kiosks and their product cases. The color red was chosen to stand out and assist in attracting customers. At these kiosks customers can browse the selection of DVD’s by categories such as genre, latest releases, most popular and alphabetical order. The rental period for the discs end at 9:00 the night after they were rented; and can be returned to any Redbox kiosk location regardless of where they were rented from. 4 P’s of Redbox: Place Like mentioned above, the DVD’s and video games are dispensed from Redbox kiosks. The kiosks can be found in grocery stores, pharmacies, mass retailers, convenience stores and fast food restaurants. There are approximately 31,500 kiosk locations across the United States, Puerto Rico and Canada. If a customer wants to know where the closest Redbox location is or is having trouble finding a Redbox location, they have two options; they can download the Redbox mobile app on their cell phone or text the word â€Å"FIND†to the number ‘727272’. According to the official Redbox website, 68% of the United States population lives within only a five minute drive of a kiosk, which is very convenient for the customer. 4 P’s of Redbox: Price The movie rentals originally started out at just $1 a day (including tax), but due to expenses the company has incurred, the movie rentals are now up to $1.20 a day. Blu-ray discs are $1.50 and video games are $2 per day. The DVD’s and video games can be purchased with only a debit or credit card. For every extra day the customer holds onto the disc, they will be charged for another rental period. The maximum rental period is 25 days, and the maximum rental charge is $25. So, once the maximum charge is reached, the disc becomes the owners to keep and does not need to be returned.4 P’s of Redbox: Promotion For promotion, Redbox offers their â€Å"Redbox Text Club†which sends out deals, freebies and free promo codes every month to customers who have signed up to receive text messages from them. Redbox also offers their â€Å"Refer-A-Friend Program†. With this program, individuals can receive rental credits for referring new cus tomers; these rental credits can then be redeemed and used towards getting a free rental. Individuals can also receive freebies, reviews, and the latest news from if they follow Redbox on Facebook. If customers decide to reserve a DVD or video game ahead of time, they can also receive rental credits and get their first reservation rental for free.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Mod 5 Sg
STUDY GUIDE: MODULE 5 Harbin: Chapter 14 How did Rehoboam manage to lose most of his kingdom? He refused to cut taxes and threaten to raise them. Why is Asa viewed as a good king but given a mixed review? His lack of faith in God to assist with attack on Baasha in Northern Kingdom. How did Jehoshaphat show piety on the one hand but political naivete on the other? He went thru the country removing pagan shrines and sent teachers in the land teaching the law. he was judged for helping the wicked. What is most memorable about Athaliah?She proceeded to kill off rest of males in the royal family so that she could rule. How did Joash bring hope to the Southern Kingdom? What did he do that caused him to be assassinated? by repairing the temple restoring the worship and sacrificial system. He ordered , God's prophet Zechariah to be stoned to death on the temple grounds. His heart was turned away from God. In what way did Uzziah demonstrate spiritual foolishness? What were the consequences? H e went into the temple to burn incense, something only the priest could do.Cause he didn't listen, God struck him with leprosy. What is most memorable about Ahaz? Ahaz turned away from YHWH, he served the pagan gods, including Baal, even performed child sacrifices. He promoted the spiritual revival. Compare and contrast Hezekiah with his father, Ahaz, and with David. he was viewed as one of the worst kings in the Southern Kingdom. Hezekiah trusted in the Lord, God of Isreal. What was the role of Isaiah in the Southern Kingdom? Prophet and historian What key prophecies did the prophets of this period give regarding the Messiah? st anticipation of the birth of the Messiah 2ndthe servant songs the Messiah's bearing the sins of His people 3rd which Jesus would later read in the synagogue in Nazareth. What is most memorable about Manasseh? He had the hollow tree where Isaiah hid sawn down with Isaiah inside. His acts of apostasy In what ways was Josiah the last hope for the Southern King dom? Josiah's returning the ark of the covenant to the temple Trace the decline and fall of the Southern Kingdom. the death of Josiah Describe the different ways by which Jeremiah tried to convey his message to the people. burying a linen sash near the Euphrates River to signify the Exile; | |watching a potter remake a flawed item, illustrating how God would remark the nation; breaking a large pot before the leadership, | |demonstrating how God would destroy the Southern Kingdom; | |redeeming a piece of land, showing confidence that God would perserve the people even thru exile; | |remaining single because of the anticipated hard times; and wearing a yoke to symbolize upcomming bondage. | Why was Lamentations written? Focus on city of Jerusalem and its destruction. Chapter 15 What are some reasons that the Exile was not as severe as it might have been? Some of the people listened to the prophets People followed God's instruction the design of the exile was partial punishment Summar ize both the incidents and the visions recorded in the book of Daniel. 1. The account of Daniel and his friends declining to eat Babylonian food 2. Daniel request for stay of execution to interpret the kings dream. 3. The firery furnance 4. Daniel in the lions denVision of 4 beasts that paralled the 4 metals of the statue & what happened to Daniels people in the future. Daniel was given information about the Messiah. What is apocalyptic literature, and how is it different from prophetic literature? serves to show God's sovereignty over the future. Rich in the use of symbols. focused on what God is going to do. serve to show God's soverign control over history. is oriented toward the audience receiving the message. What makes the book of Ezekiel distinctive? It was written in Babylon, it was accepted by Isrealites who devoutly believed in God. What is the significance of Esther? she outwitted Haman and saved her people.Before reading chs. 16–17 in Harbin, read Hindson, ch. 12 and take detailed notes. Harbin: Chapter 16 What was the function of Haggai? Prophet to get the temple rebuilt How was Zechariah’s ministry different from that of Haggai, his contemporary? He focused more on future issues. message was more apocalyptic What was Ezra’s role in the return? The proposal of foreign wives be divorced and returned to their home land. How did Nehemiah help the struggling community in Jerusalem? they were able to build the walls in fifty-two days What is the significance of Malachi? bring the word of god to people of Israel Chapter 17 Why did the OT canon end with Malachi?The Jewish community came to the conclusion that God had nothing more to say to them. What is the Apocrypha, and how was it viewed by the Jews at the time of Jesus? hidden/ secret. The collection of books that is found between the OT and NT in some Bibles, scripture What is the Mishnah? How is it different from the Talmud? Why are they important? also Mish ·na (mish'n? ) n. Judaism The first section of the Talmud, being a collection of early oral interpretations of the scriptures as compiled about A. D. 200. the mishnah is a part of the juwish costom and belief. Repitition. teaching/ learning Gemarah-meaning completion, the learning of oral teaching. hey were interpretive translation of the Hebrew text designed to make the text more understandable to Jews who did not read Hebrew. What are Pseudepigrapha? Pseudepigrapha [Gr. ,=things falsely ascribed], a collection of early Jewish and some Jewish-Christian writings composed between c. 200 BC and c. AD 200, not found in the Bible or rabbinic writings. How did the Sadducees develop? traditionalist were those who followed their roots. -from a Hellenization movement sometime after the Maccabean revolt How did the Pharisees develop? Spending on time, a political party, a social movement, and a school of thought among Jews that flourished during the Second Temple. Who were the Essenes, and why are they import ant? embers of an Jewish sect of the 1st century BC and the 1st century AD. They lived on the western shore of the Dead Sea and wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls. At that time, there were 4 schools of Judaism: Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, and Zealots Referred to as sons of Zadok. meaning holiness Who were the scribes, and what role did they play in Judean society? professional title. a generic term that could include both Pharisees and Sadducees. Their role was to copy the Law, to read it, and then to interpret it to the people. Trace the rise and demise of Alexander the Great. What happened to Alexander’s empire after his death? It was divided amoung his 4 generalsWho were the Ptolemies and the Seleucids, and why are they important? The Ptolemies were very successful and managed to capture a large part of the Seleucid Empire, including all of Syria, before local problems called Ptolemy III. peace was established during the marriage of Philadelphus daughter to AntichusII of Syria Who were the Maccabees, and what did they do for Judea? The Maccabees were a family that fought a successful rebellion against the Syrian invaders who attempted to force all Jews into becoming Hellenized. were a Jewish rebel army who took control of Judea, How did Herod, an Edomite, become king of Judea? He was the son of Antipater, n Edomite, who married the daughter of a politically influential family. Herod divorced his wife Doris and married Mariame, a Jewish daughter of the influential priestly Hasmonean family. How did Rome make Judea part of the Roman Empire? because of its troubles, in 6CE it ceased being a client kingdom and became a Roman province. The â€Å"book of the Law†was rediscovered during the reign of: JOSIAH The book of Habakkuk predicts the Babylonian conquest. TRUE According to Hindson Nebuchadnezzar was your typical autocratic egomaniac that was corrupted by power that he eventually lost his mind. TRUE Asa is seems as basically spiritually weak and an evil king of Judah.False Jeremiah advised the king to fight the Babylonians to the last man False What is most memorable about Manessah according to Harbin? He is considered to be the worst king of the southern kingdom. A key theme of the book of Isiah is †¦ NOT Restoration Joash was assassinated in response to his having Zechariah stoned to death. TRUE Around 538 or 539 BC Persian King Cyruis issued a decree allowing all captive peoples to return to their native lands. TRUE According to the text ‘The exile†could not have been any more severve than what it was: False During the reign of Hezekiah the angel of YHWH killed how many Assryian soldiers outside the walls of Jerusalem? 185,000 Often Jeremiah tried to convey his message to the people by via acts of role-playing.TRUE Per Harbin, Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the temple in Jerusalem in 586 BC TRUE Why was Lamentations written? To express the sorrow at the fall and destruction of Jerusalem. The term â€Å"branchâ € as used by Isiah and Jeremiah emphasized that the Messiah would be from the line of David. True Rehoboam managed to lose most of his kingdom in part due to a tax revolt that he failed to properly settle. True. Joash brought hope to the Southern Kingdom by repairing the Temple. TRUE What kep prophecies did the prophets of this period give regarding the Messiah? All of the above. One of the most memorable things about Ahaz was his closing of the Temple and his worshipping the gods of Damascus. TRUE Isiah was commissioned as a prophet the year Uzziah died? TRUE
Operation information system management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Operation information system management - Essay Example The telecommunication component constitute of information technology that helps to channel information to all the departments within an organization. In addition, information technology encourages creativity and innovativeness because of dynamism experienced in business environment. The major types of information systems include; functional system and organization information systems. Functional information systems provide support to specific departments within an organization (Encyclopedia Britanic pp.1-3). An example of functional information systems include; production system, marketing systems and cross functional systems. Those systems helps in ensuring that there efficient and effective logistics operations (Encyclopedia Britanic p.3). On the other hand, organization information systems are those systems that enhance effectiveness and efficiency in organization operations. Among the organization systems include; those that provide support to the organization operations, organiz ation knowledge and managerial support. Operation support encompasses three major areas of operations namely; supply chain management, transactional systems and management of customer’s relationships (Encyclopedia Britanic pp.2-3). Knowledge support system facilitates flow of knowledge through out the organization. Among the knowledge systems include; collaboration support systems, professional knowledge support systems and knowledge management systems. A collaboration management system helps to ensure proper coordination among all departments within an organization. On the contrary, a professional knowledge management system helps to promote cohesiveness among different professionals working together in a company. Connectively, management support system entails decision support models such as executive support systems and managerial reporting systems (Encyclopedia Britanic p.3-7). Therefore, this study will provide a comprehensive report and an analysis of the role and acqui sition of information systems for TGL senior management as well as line management. Role and acquisition of IS for TGL for its senior management and line management Information system involves three major roles namely; providing support to business operations, making managerial decisions and providing support to achieve strategic competitive advantage (Bagad p.2). Business operation role involves applying information systems in recording inventories, billing of vendors and customers, management of cash flows to mention just but a few. For example, it can be scrutinized that TGL Company has an account department that takes part in executing business operation role. For example, it was reported that TGL account department makes purchase orders as well as make payment for goods and services on behalf of the entire organization. In addition, TGL marketing department conduct marketing research to determine popularity of their company products and design marketing strategies that can be e mployed to market their company products. Whereby, marketing managers provides managers with necessary information that can help them make sound decisions on the most appropriate design that can be employed. On the other hand, information system plays decision role, this involves providing information that may help TGL managers to decide whether to invest, divest or not to invest on a particular product (Bagad p.2-3). Finally, information syst
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